196: The Lessons of Boredom

Both of us had the chance to experience boredom on recent trips, and it sparked the idea for this week’s episode of the podcast because boredom sometimes gets a bad reputation. Boredom also comes up quite often in our work with our clients. They’re usually not sure what it means or what they’re supposed to do about it. It’s precisely those topics we want to dive into today so we can figure out what a healthy relationship with boredom looks like for you. Listen in and join the discussion on LinkedIn (Eric | Nayla). Inside Job is brought to you by Nayla Bahri and Eric Johnson. To learn more about the ideas and resources discussed in this episode, us and our work, and to join our mailing list, visit the show notes at insidejobthepodcast.com. You can also continue the conversation with us through your favorite social channels: LinkedIn Eric | Nayla Instagram Facebook Email We’d love to hear from you.

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We’re Nayla Bahri and Eric Johnson, and we love to talk about the intersection of life and work. Why? Most of us will spend more hours of our life working than doing anything else. The relationship we have with work, and the way we make meaning of our time and experience there, serves as a great platform to explore how we show up to the rest of our lives: relationships, family and parenting, our health, our hobbies and interests, and our general attitude towards the human experience. With insights and observations pulled from our leadership and career coaching, teaching and consulting work, as well as the most relevant research across fields, we’ll talk about the ideas that really impact how you experience work – and your life – and actionable strategies to make work work for you, from the inside out.