Is There HOPE for humanity? Are we loving nature to death? Discussion with Dr. Keith G. Tidball
In the Seam with JP Ross Fly Rod Company. - Ein Podcast von Jordan P. Ross

Things get even a bit more deep with todays discussion with my good friend Keith Tidball. Keith wears many hats in education and conservation as you will learn. Most important in todays conversation we begin to touch upon 2 topics that are important to me. The Stress of entry to wilderness or exit from technology and the stress of re-entry back to society and communication. We also touch upon a concept that I came up with about the shock wave of human usage on nature. All of this is discussed today in our podcast. We also get into a faith discussion about being Christian, and we touch upon the controversial topic of my shield logo for JP Ross & Company. There is a lot to think about in this episode and I do hope you enjoy it. Sincerely: JP