[ISBW] A Bout of Melancholia

Short episode this time, and not having the best brain day. So I'm sharing with you because this happens to everyone. Transcript Mur Lafferty: And maybe what I write is crap, but I'll never know unless I write it. And then I think lies the key. It's not even allow yourself to write crappy first drafts, It's: a pro thinks they suck, but they write it anyway. And there's your Deep Thought for the Day. What I'm Reading: Savage Crowns and Dead and Gondola. Affiliate links to all of these and the other books I mentioned in the episode. Evergreen Links Mur's newsletter, The Hot Mic Socials: Bluesky, Twitter, Mastodon, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Focusmate. Theme by John Anealio I Should Be Writing tea blends Support local book stores! Station Eternity, Six Wakes, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition and more! OR Get signed books from my friendly local store, Flyleaf Books! (some book links are affiliate) June 21, 2023 | Season 19 Ep 26 | murverse.com Copyright 2023, Mur Lafferty | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License

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"I should be writing" is what people say, but they rarely do it. This podcast is designed to help you get past those blocks, whether it's what your teacher told you when you were a kid, to being totally sure you'll never be as good as (FAV AUTHOR) so you might as well quit.