We’ve heard it said before: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Time is the ever waning commodity not yet assigned a market value, because you just can’t buy it. It’s the same daily 24 hour allotment for each person on this planet regardless of title or position in life. It can be given and taken but not transferred. Time can also be a vacuum. Time has no end or beginning, and certainly no certainty.  IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE, I share with you my thoughts on TIME, the story of a dear friend, and the real opportunity for each of us when it comes to how we honor this gift. .  I’ve learned simply that: your efforts are creating your tomorrow. It means that what I do with this moment right now, will either honor or waste the stewardship I’ve been given in this life. Do I define presence in part by an awareness to honor each second?

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the HONOR.THE.GIFT podcast, where each week Art McCracken brings you inspirational messages, impactful interviews, and remarkable insights to UNLOCK your best self. Art specializes in Transformational Leadership and High Performance Coaching. He's worked with hundreds of companies and thousands of individuals along the way, helping them achieve greater outcomes in all aspects of their lives. When asked about his life's purpose, he simply replies, "My calling is people experience living true." If you are ready to get off the treadmill, drop the charade, and lean into growth— you're in the right place. Visit choiceisthegift.com to learn more about Art and stay connected via Instagram @honor.the.gift.