Ep. 31 - Keddie Cabin 28 Murders [Unsolved]
Homicide Homegirls - Ein Podcast von Homicide Homegirls

In the early 1980s, the Keddie Resort located in Keddie, California, was the place to go for families and tourists alike. However, in April 1981 this small town was thrust into fear and terror when the Sharp family was torn apart by a brutal triple murder and kidnapping. The Sheriff’s Office of the small town was ill equipped to handle a case of such magnitude and several investigative mistakes were made along the way. However, many wonder if these investigative mistakes were due to lack of experience in murder investigations or related to a police cover up. Join Arielle and Amanda as they discuss this case and all of its twists and turns. Sources: https://www.plumasnews.com/keddie-murders-revisited/ https://www.plumasnews.com/keddie-murders-revisited-following-the-clues/ https://www.plumasnews.com/keddie-murders-revisited-part-3-hypnosis-counselors-revelations-mob-connections/ https://people.com/crime/keddie-cabin-28-murders-new-investigation-sheriff-hagwood/ https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/confidentiality “Cabin 28: Horror in the Woods,” People Magazine Investigates, Investigation Discovery, 28 November 2016. Sling. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/strangers-2-true-story-prey-12439623 https://www.thoughtco.com/cold-case-the-keddie-cabin-murders-4108811