Bloodwork of Centenarians VS Non-Centenarians Revealed: 3 Blood Tests to Focus On

A fascinating new study finds common biomarkers predict the odds of living to 100 years of age. This 35-year study in 44,000 adults found high-cholesterol and low blood glucose were linked with higher odds of reaching 100 years of age. Here’s a breakdown of these interesting findings: Sponsored: Support your Intermittent Fasting lifestyle with the Berberine Fasting Accelerator by MYOXCIENCE: Save with code Podcast at checkout Show Notes: 03:00 2.7% of participants reached their 100th birthday. 03:30 Non-centenarians had double or triple the rates of common conditions. 04:00 Cardiovascular disease decreases your health span and life span. 05:30 Higher total cholesterol is associated with becoming a centenarian. 07:30 Centenarians had lower levels of blood glucose. 08:20 GGT liver enzyme test reflects the turnover of glutathione and oxidative stress. 10:40 Uric acid is an indirect marker of inflammation, and is low in centenarians. 12:00 Cholesterol may be protective. 15:45 Higher levels of total cholesterol and iron, and lower levels of glucose, creatinine, uric acid, AST, GGT, and ALP, total iron binding capacity and LDH were associated with a greater likelihood of becoming a centenarian. 17:30 Improve GGT levels by improving glutathione health and avoiding drinking alcohol. 18:30 Minimize intrahepatic fat with fasting, exercise, and low carb nutrition. 24:45 ApoB to A1 ratio gives insight into lipoprotein health. 27:50 A short term cold can raise iron levels.

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