039. Scorpio Season & Change
Heaven & Healing Podcast - Ein Podcast von Heaven & Healing Podcast
Sorry for getting this out to you a day later than planned! Unexpected technical difficulties occurred since coming home from my vacation and set me back in recording and production. But it’s here! And you can still expect a new podcast & yoga flow to release every Monday between 12-2 PM EST. Scorpio season is always a really intense time of the year — as our vulnerabilities, fears, traumas and triggers rise to the surface and invite us to explore our emotional depths. Libra season had us focused on our most intimate connections, whereas Scorpio season shifts the focus on the most intimate parts of our own self. This can tend to be overwhelming, or like we are drowning in our own feels, but the beauty of this water element is that is is purifying. We must swim through the murky waters of Scorpio season in order to be cleansed of what no longer serves us and renewed in fresh energy that allows us to be aligned. In this episode, I talk about how Scorpio season reminds us of what we cannot control, and therefore calls us to lean into the ever-changing rhythm of life, rather than fight against the current with resistance and a stubborn mindset. When we let go of what we cannot control, we then give ourselves the same permission to move as fluidly as life does. Not only does this allow for the ebb and flow of life, it also consequently allows for you to break free of any rigid, out-dated, stagnant ideologies, patterns or behaviors that may be inhibiting you. In a nutshell, Scorpio season is all about giving yourself permission to change in a world that is always changing. Scorpio energy is the embodiment of transformation, so give yourself permission go really make the most of that experience and allow for some serious shifts to take place. The thing is — there is always going to be things outside of your control happening all around you that can affect your quality of life. However, the one thing you do have control of is how you show up in the face of those things. So be willing to show up differently. Drop the self-induced labels that matter to you. Lose the definitions of who you “should” be. Stop identifying yourself a certain way and instead, choose differently. Humble yourself in being wrong and thus form new ideas. Re-invent yourself. Break the mold. Choose authenticity over belonging. Surrender to the unknown. Give yourself a chance to be someone entirely different than who you were yesterday — because you always have that power. Trust that those little whispers you’ve been hearing to “try this,” or “do that” are actually God’s way of trying to get your attention and lead you on your best path, and see what happens when you cultivate the grit say yes. Ultimately, Scorpio Season both demands and invites your perseverance. Remember: the only way out, is through, and the only way through, is the willingness to make it. Be sure to check out the accompanying Moon and Back Yoga for Scorpio Season flow also available on the YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to give this podcast a 5-star rating and written review on whichever platform you listen or watch this. Connect with me on Instagram if you haven’t already done so! @angelamarieucci Until next time — I am sending you so much love, to the moon and back. God bless you. Namaste.