"Sonderfolge" Reanimation – Was die Leitlinien uns (nicht) sagen

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Einen spannende Sonderfolge über Reanimation mit Justus von dasFoam.org ! Wir diskutieren aktuelle Evidenz und erweiterte Maßnahmen und am Ende gibt es noch eine kleine Überraschung! Rein- und durchhören lohnt sich ! Evidenz-Grade: Empfehlungsgrade: Quellen beide Abbildungen: AHA Top-Artikel von dasFOAM: MUST READ FÜR ALLE:https://dasfoam.org/2018/08/18/kreislaufstillstand-eine-videoanalyse/Pulscheck-Artikel von Justus:https://dasfoam.org/2019/11/24/der-tod-des-pulschecks/Smartwatch:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6367979/ Die weiteren Quellen findet Ihr dann in den jeweiligen Artikeln von dasFOAM Quellen Airway-Managament: Jabre P, Penaloza A, Pinero D, et al. Effect of Bag-Mask Ventilation vs Endotracheal Intubation During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on Neurological Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiorespiratory Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2018; 319(8):779-787. Benger, Jonathan R., et al. "Effect of a strategy of a supraglottic airway device vs tracheal intubation during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest on functional outcome: the AIRWAYS-2 randomized clinical trial." Jama 320.8 (2018): 779-791. Bernhard, M., et al. "Out-of-hospital airway management during manual compression or automated chest compression devices." Der Anaesthesist 67.2 (2018): 109-117. Izawa, Junichi, et al. „Pre-hospital advanced airway management for adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: nationwide cohort study.“ bmj 364 (2019): l430. Quellen Medikamente: Ahrens T et al. End-tidal carbon dioxide measurements as a prognostic indicator of outcome in cardiac arrest. Am J Crit Care 2001; 10(6): 391 – 8.  Paiva, Edison F., James H. Paxton, and Brian J. O’Neil. „The use of end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) measurement to guide management of cardiac arrest: a systematic review.“ Resuscitation 123 (2018): 1-7. Quellen mechanische CPR: 1. Wacht O, Kohn J, Strugo R. Mechanical CPR Devices: Where is the Science https://www.jems.com/2019/11/12/mechanical-cpr-devices-where-is-the-science/. Published 2019. Accessed 12 November, 2019. 2. Bonnes JL, Brouwer MA, Navarese EP, et al. Manual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Versus CPR Including a Mechanical Chest Compression Device in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis From Randomized and Observational Studies. Annals of emergency medicine. 2016;67(3):349-360 e343. 3. Gates S, Quinn T, Deakin CD, Blair L, Couper K, Perkins GD. Mechanical chest compression for out of hospital cardiac arrest: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Resuscitation. 2015;94:91-97. 4. Ong ME, Mackey KE, Zhang ZC, et al. Mechanical CPR devices compared to manual CPR during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and ambulance transport: a systematic review. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:39. 5. Youngquist ST, Ockerse P, Hartsell S, Stratford C, Taillac P. Mechanical chest compression devices are associated with poor neurological survival in a statewide registry: A propensity score analysis. Resuscitation. 2016;106:102-107. 6. Newberry R, Redman T, Ross E, et al. No Benefit in Neurologic Outcomes of Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest with Mechanical Compression Device. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2018;22(3):338-344. 7. Gonzales L, Oyler BK, Hayes JL, et al.