074 - SPECIAL Ignite 2021 H2 Recap

Gäste Thomas Naunheim (Twitter: @thomas_live) Oliver Kieselbach (Twitter: @okieselb) Themen: Book of news: https://news.microsoft.com/ignite-november-2021-book-of-news Modern Collab (Marco) Microsoft Loop Mesh for Microsoft Teams (Avatar as video + full VR mode) Microsoft Editor with Context IQ Identity (Thomas) Security of Workflow Identities Conditional Access Enhancements Identity Governance und Entitlement Management Enterprise Mobility (Oliver) Custom Compliance Linux Compliance Linux enrollment (Intune App) Defender Risk Score for macOS Security (Jan) MDE: Tabs in Hunting and TVM for iOS and Android New Names: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6861630452428505088?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28activity%3A6861630452428505088%2C6861929350405611520%29 Sentinel Solutions and Near Realtime Rules

Om Podcasten

Der deutsche Podcast rund um Microsoft Cloud Technologien: Office 365, Azure AD, Enterprise Mobility & Security, Modern Workplace & Collaboration. Präsentiert von Jan Geisbauer und Marco Scheel