Leonard Kim Performs a Personal Brand Audit and Consultation with Molly B. of Bingerz, booze infused cookies

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Molly Blakeley is an Alaskan resident who recently started a cookie business called Molly B's Bingerz that is taking off like a rocket! She is experiencing more success than she ever imagined, but knows that in order to propel her Booze infused cookies to a household name, she needs to build a powerful personal brand and become a renowned expert in nation sales and packaging. She is a single mom who went through a tough go and is coming out smelling like a fantastic bakery! There's not much she hasn't done and is fearless to keep on going strong! As a successful business owner, Molly wants what many entrepreneurs want, an even more successful business. Leonard Kim does an audit on Molly's business to not only reinforce what she is doing right, but what she can do to move the needle in order to propel her personal brand and business to the next level.

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