How to Unlock Your Zone of Genius with Jaime Slutzky

Episode #237. About Jaime: Jaime Slutzky is an experienced and knowledgeable online technology strategist who works with music teachers who have caps on their income or time to create scalable online products and services.With her degree in Computer Science, 11+ years in corporate IT, and over a decade supporting online businesses, she has the expertise, insight, and grit to help music teachers take what they do in private lessons and create online courses, programs, workshops, and memberships.After about 8 years of working with anyone who wanted to hire her, she chose to work exclusively with music teachers because of the opportunities that they offer their students. As she says, she is in awe and inspired by music educators’ creativity and dedication to their craft.Connect with JaimeWebsiteFacebookInstagramFavorite Quotes“The zone of genius is where the skillset and passions collide.”“When niching, you really should be clear on who you're serving and how you're serving them. It can be you're niching your expertise or you're niching who you are selling to. The best and fastest results are if you niche both of those down. ““There are a lot of people who are passionate about making money and that is their driving force. And I swear those businesses are the flash-in-the-pan type businesses. They're not sustainable in the long run. You gotta go deeper. You gotta understand the person that you're making an impact on.”In This Episode You’ll Learn:How to niche down the right wayThe two components that make the zone of geniusWhy passion should be the driving force, not just profitHow zone of genius and business model are two totally different thingsDefining passion through the success of your clients or studentsMentioned on the Show:Viral Post GeneratorLove the show? Then why don’t you:Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.Subscribe to the show.Tag us on Instagram or Jaclyn @jaclyn_mellone and let us know what you think or what and who you’d want to hear on the show!Want to become a Gal Pal? Head on over to this link to Become a Go-To Gal Podcast Insider

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Stop waiting for momentum, start creating it! Go-To Gal is a Top-100 Marketing Podcast designed to help you BECOME a sought-after expert (from the inside out). We talk about mindset, strategy, and even the tactics. This show is all about helping you create the momentum that builds both your business and brand as the go-to authority. This year we were featured in Forbes as one of the "21 Podcasts for 2021!" They said "Host, Jaclyn Mellone, instantly becomes your best friend when you listen to her episodes. A mix of expert interviews of go-to women that you must know, to coaching, and stories - this podcast is like a warm cup of tea to calm you down paired with a funfetti cupcake to make you smile. Jaclyn’s warm personality will have you binging on episode after episode." If you're ready to overcome self-doubt, stand out from the crowd, and make bank by becoming the go-to authority in your space, this is the show for you! Want my free 30-Days of Authority Building Action Plan?