Season 3 Episode 8: Discussion on ISN’s First Consensus Guidance for Pre-clinical Animal Studies in Translational Nephrology (TRANSFORM)
Global Kidney Care Podcast Provided by ISN - Ein Podcast von Roberto Pecoits-Filho, Smeeta Sinha

Fergus Caskey, chair of the ISN Research Working Group, interviews ISN President Masaomi Nangaku and immediate Past President Agnes Fogo on the first guidance for the optimal conduct of translational animal studies for developing new drugs to treat kidney disease. Read the guidance in Kidney International here. Agnes Fogo discusses the inspiration for and aim of the meeting: to guide improvements in translational animal studies to help develop new drugs to treat kidney diseases. Masaomi Nangaku talks about essential factors to consider in animal studies and the future of organoids and organs-on-a-chip. The guidance is the first of its kind. It was developed by experts in the global kidney community following the “TRANSFORM; TRAnslational Nephrology Science FOR new Medications” consensus meeting held in 2022. Access more information about the initiative: ARRIVE GuidelinesInfographics of the summary of all the recommendations for pre-clinical animal studies in translational nephrology