Season 3 Episode 3: World Kidney Day: a discussion on preparing for the unexpected
Global Kidney Care Podcast Provided by ISN - Ein Podcast von Roberto Pecoits-Filho, Smeeta Sinha

World Kidney Day (WKD) every year is observed on the Second Thursday of March, in 2023, it falls on March 9th and aims at advocating for Kidney Health for All! Prof. Ifeoma Ulasi, member of the WKD Steering Committee, is joined on this episode by WKD Steering Committee members Dr. Dina Abdellatif, Dr. Li-Li Hsiao and Dr. Ali Abu-Alfa, from the ISN Renal Disaster Preparedness Working Group. The WKD Steering Committee has declared 2023 “Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable”. Their conversation covers the goals of WKD to raise awareness about disastrous events, natural or man-made, international or local, and their impact on people living with kidney disease whose access to appropriate diagnostic services, treatment and care may be hindered.