#902 - "WGBI Ghostbusters Day 2023" - June 5, 2023

The time has come, it’s Ghostbusters Day (week) again and 2023 is going to be a big one! With a new Ghostbusters film and plenty of new and exciting things on the horizon, Troy and Chris thought being accompanied by a unique one of a kind WGBI radio broadcast this week would be a fun way to celebrate. So, plug in those AirPods, or crank this up in your Ecto’s stereo, and live it up. Ghostbusters Day comes but once a year!

Om Podcasten

A podcast on everything Ghostbusters by two long-time fansite webmasters Troy Benjamin (of Ghostbusters HQ) and Chris Stewart (of Proton Charging). Join us for in-depth analysis of the latest news, commentary on goings on, and interviews with some familiar faces.