213: Does Sex Therapy Actually Work for Libido Differences? The Shocking Research Results!
Get Your Marriage On! with Dan Purcell - Ein Podcast von Dan Purcell | Sex & Intimacy Coach | Christian Husband - Freitags

Sexual desire differences are, unfortunately, very common. In fact, it's one of the top reasons why couples seek sex therapy or any kind of help in their marriage. It's really painful to be in a relationship where your spouse doesn't desire you the same way you desire them. And while it's painful for the spouse with the higher libido or higher desire, it's also just as painful (for different reasons) for the person with a lower desire/lower libido. The good news is that there are actually tools and solutions to help couples get on the same page sexually, and we'll discuss some of these in this episode. I was interviewed by my friend Taylor Chambers, a marriage and family therapist. Since we talk about these things often on this platform, we've included this interview on the Get Your Marriage On Podcast. In this episode, we cover the following: I share some of my personal examples from my own marriage Why traditional sex therapy doesn't quite work. The role of pleasure Integrity culture versus purity culture If you and your spouse have differences in sexual desire that's causing some problems in your marriage, you're in luck because next week I'm going live doing a deep dive discussion on this very topic. What: How to Fix Mismatched Sex Drives without Therapy or Pressure, Live Masterclass When: November 14, 6 pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern Register Here More Resources: Intimately Us App 2025 Couples Retreat You can find links to all these and more at our website: getyourmarriageon.com Disclaimer: The opinions and values expressed by guests on the Get Your Marriage On! podcast are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and values of the host. Appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of the guest or their products by Get Your Marriage On or its host. While we work hard to bring you quality and valuable content, listeners are encouraged to use their own best judgment in applying the information or products discussed on this podcast.