Dealing with a Wet Mouldy Timber Frame during Construction, with Cindy

Get It Right with Undercover Architect - Ein Podcast von Amelia Lee - Montags


Hello! This is Episode 342, and in it, I’m talking with HOME Method member, Cindy. Cindy is a HOME Method member, and she’s also a designer and Thermal Performance Assessor, who has designed her own new home which is currently under construction. [For all resources mentioned in this podcast and a free, downloadable PDF transcript, head to] Cindy was on the podcast about 5 months ago in Episodes 321 and 322, giving us her first update on her project, and sharing her design phase and early construction experience. She’s back to talk about some of the challenges that weather has brought for the construction process: in particular dealing with a wet timber frame that has grown mould, and needs to be remediated before the project continues. We’ve had a few members inside HOME Method navigating this challenge this year, as the weather has been wet for long periods of time in many parts of Australia, and that can wreak havoc on an exposed timber frame of a home during construction. Timber can absorb moisture and water, and then over time, with the right conditions, grow mould which impregnates in the timber itself. The worst thing that can happen is that the frame is not allowed to dry out, or the mould is not remediated, and the home gets lined internally and externally regardless of its dampness or condition.  This can be incredibly detrimental for the health of the occupants and the durability of the home long-term. And, unfortunately, it happens far too often in home construction. So, I think you’ll find Cindy’s process of navigating this specific challenge on her project super informative. Remember, if you’d like to grab a full transcript of this episode, plus links to Cindy’s previous project updates on the podcast, as well as information on the resources we discuss and photos of Cindy’s home, you can find all of that by heading to Now, let’s dive in! SHOW NOTES: If you’re struggling with understanding the overall steps for your project, what you should be focussing on and when, or how to best invest your efforts, energy and money to get a great outcome in your future home, I’ve created something super helpful for you. Access my free online workshop “Your Project Plan” now >>> This free workshop will really help you understand the best steps to take wherever you’re at in your project, and how you can avoid some serious and expensive mistakes.  Plus, I’ll share with you what to focus on and when, so you know you’re getting everything in order for a successful project and beautiful home. And you’ll get access to some great bonuses as well. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST NOW. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST: For links, images and resources mentioned in this podcast, head to >>> Access my free “Your Project Plan” online workshop and awesome bonuses now >>> Access the support and guidance you need to be confident and empowered when renovating and building your family home inside my flagship online program >>> Just a reminder: All content on this podcast is provided by Undercover Architect for reference purposes and as general guidance. It does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. You should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in any circumstances, including but not limited to circumstances where loss or damage may result. The views and opinions of any guests on the podcast are solely their own. They may not reflect the views of Undercover Architect. Undercover Architect endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or has become inaccurate over time.See for privacy information.