Dyanne Wilson: Chasing The Northern Lights In Yellowknife

Abenteuer Reportagefotografie – Podcast über visuelles Storytelling - Ein Podcast von Kai Behrmann: Visueller Storyteller und Fotograf


Dyanne Wilson Chasing The Northern Lights In Yellowknife Arrow-home Dyanne Wilson My guest in this episode is Canadian documentary and fine art photographer Dyanne Wilson. In this interview, we talk about her influences in photography and get into the importance of looking at other art forms when developing a photographic vision. Themen Darum geht es in dieser Folge Another topic of our conversation is Dyanne’s photo tour to Yellowknife which is considered to be the capital of Northern Lights in Canada. Although Dyanne has studied Art History at the University of Ottawa and has taken a few technical courses in photography, she is basically self-taught. Here’s an extensive guide on finding your inner photographer and how to make the most of your camera. Dyanne has a keen interest in the cultural diversity of Canada as it is expressed in the built environment, nature and life itself. She prefers images that convey the mood, narrative and beauty of a person, place or event. In 2014, Dyanne was invited by Fuji to be an official Fuji X-Photographer. @ Dyanne Wilson @ Dyanne Wilson @ Dyanne Wilson @ Dyanne Wilson Podcast-Gast Über Dyanne Wilson Facebook Twitter Instagram Dyanne Wilson is a documentary and fine art photographer as well as an official Fujifilm-X-photographer. Dyanne has been featured before on my online-photography-magazine „The Art of Creative Photography“: „Love Made Visible“ Bei Amazon* Podcast GATE7 abonnieren Jeden Sonntag erscheint eine neue Folge mit spannenden Gesprächen über die Themen Fernweh und Fotografie. Abonniere den Podcast und du bleibe immer automatisch auf dem Laufenden. Hier kannst du in die Folge mit Dyanne Wilson reinhören.