Episode Twelve - Daniel Whitaker (Gallifrey Archive)

Galactic Yo-yo - Ein Podcast von Galactic Yo-yo


This week I chat to Daniel Whitaker, webmaster at Gallifrey Archive, about why he's an advocate for a Doctor Who Cinematic Universe, and what he thinks Sleep No More did right. Timecodes: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:13:34 - Doctor Who Cinematic Universe 00:44:49 - Sleep No More and experimental episodes Daniel on Twitter - @GallifreyRchive The blog - http://gallifreyarchive.com Find us on Twitter - @GalacticYoyoPod Artwork by Molly Lester (@mollypukes). Theme music written and performed by Aleks Podraza. Presented by Dylan Marsh.

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