
These enormous entities have been gaining ground at breakneck speed. Consumerism has become ubiquitous in our society, and has subsequently seeped into every aspect of our lives. We babble on about our favorite brands as if they were some sort of personal coat of arms. However you slice it or dice it, the mission of these greedy gargantuan juggernauts all boils down to one thing, the bottom line. Making moolah! We’ll uncover the complex culture of corporations on this week’s episode of FYI!

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Hello, English explorers! Welcome to FYI (For Your Inglés)! You'll learn so much more than just English in this show. We will tackle a wide range of fascinating topics every week. My aim is to educate, enlighten, and entertain you, all at the same time. No topic is too tough to tackle. We'll delve into jeans, dogs, sneakers, Central Park, wine, Area 51, and so on and so forth. Don't forget to send me suggestions for topics you'd like to hear about in future episodes. I'd love to hear from you. *Intro music = Souvenir by Augusto Hernandez. Have fun while learning about spectacular stuff in English! For exclusive bonus content in our curious community check out my