Mike Grenville - reconnecting with death

Mike is an independent Funeral Celebrant and Dying Doula. He runs workshops on 'death and dying' including Dying To Talk sessions, creating safe spaces to talk about death. He offers support to families to help them make informed choices about all aspects of dying and Funerals, especially Home Funerals.   I met Mike at one of his death and dying workshops about 10 years ago and it prompted to me think about death differently. His approach is 180 degrees away from the 24 hour funeral service approach. We talked about the impact of World War 1 on attitudes to death, how his mother died, using Zoom at funerals in lockdown and talking to the bees.   His freethinking recommendations: ‘Die Wise’ by Stephen Jenkins and a film about him called ’Griefwalker’ at https://www.nfb.ca/film/griefwalker/    Please support more Freethinking episodes on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lauradodsworth

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Laura Dodsworth interviews fascinating freethinkers about their worldview, and how their conviction overcame consensus.