form x Driving the Human: Trons ‘R’ Us with Akwasi Bediako Afrane

Welcome to our fourth special episode recorded at the Driving the Human festival in Berlin! What is a Tron? Well, in the world of Akwasi Bediako Afrane a Tron has nothing to do with the  film of the same title. Rather, it is a “discarded electronic gadget which houses the life essence of the previous owner“. At the Driving the Human Festival, Akwasi presented an installation made out of various scrap electronics, alongside a short documentary that touches on the lifecycle of consumer electronics. We talked to Akwasi about his inspiration (the Matrix series), the fourth Matrix film (and whether he likes it or not) and how hard it is to get an insight into the production and recycling of electronic goods. CreditsHosted by Anton Rahlwes and Nina Sieverding Audio Editing: Tobias Hausdorf

Om Podcasten

Design umgibt und betrifft uns alle. Und doch fehlen uns oft die Worte, wenn wir beschreiben sollen, was Design eigentlich ist. Der form Design Podcast schafft Abhilfe. Im Gespräch mit Designexpert*innen aus verschiedenen Feldern nähern sich Anton Rahlwes und Nina Sieverding der Idee von Design an.