Ep.212 | How the people are being mind controlled
The Principles Podcast - Ein Podcast von :adrian
#Adrian # health #mind control Make sure to sign up for my newsletter so you never miss any new content and offers: https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/newsletter-signup/So many people are being mind controlled. In this episode I explore some of the methods that are being employed to achieve those ends.I finish off with reading out the statement of virus isolation that puts the record straight. Authored by Sally Falllon Morell, Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman.Dumbing us Down by John Gatto:https://amzn.to/309tzEK(Affiliate link)Audio book:https://lbry.tv/@audioboy:7/-Dumbing-Us-Down:dBlog entry for the episode plus mindmap of my notes and where you can read and download the statement:https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/2021/03/03/ep-212-how-the-people-are-being-mind-controlled/If this resonates with you and you feel it is worth sharing please share as far and as wide as you see fit.Thank you for considering offering me a little support so I can spend more time making this kind of content for you.https://liberapay.com/adrianr/donateor https://www.patreon.com/adrianrPlease bookmark my Blog so you can always find this and MUCH more content:http://fortheloveoftruth.co.ukSupport the show