FMOOD 0282: Replace Worry with Focus

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - Ein Podcast von Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

I'd like to share some tips on how to replace worry with focus, and I'd also like to tell you why this is incredibly important. First and foremost, let me mention that worry will get us nowhere. Worry does not help to move goals any closer to the finish line, and worry does nothing to help us with any agendas that we may have in the works.   The best course of action is to replace worrying with focusing on solutions. Even if we're not absolutely certain what the appropriate solution may be for the troubles that we're having, shifting our minds from the woes of our problems to focusing on solutions instead will absolutely get us on the right track. Will worry creep back in every once in a while? Absolutely. We're wired to worry when times get tough; it's a natural part of our survival mechanisms. The key is to not let worry consume us and paralyze us from taking the actions necessary to resolve our issues at hand.    The bottom line is this. The longer we go without a solution to a given problem, the more intensified the worry becomes for that problem. It is imperative that we shift our mindset towards focusing on a solution. Whether we may not believe it at the time or not, there's an answer to every problem. We just need to take the time to apply the appropriate focus in order to find the answer. God bless.

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