FMOOD 0264: Money Is a Tool; It Has No Power over You

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - Ein Podcast von Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

Money is a tool; it has no power over you. The power that seems to be associated with money is based upon emotional connections with money. Some folks love money. They truly put money over and above almost everyone and everything else. Some folks fear money (or a lack of money). They live in a constant state of fear of not having enough financial resources, or they fear a sudden loss of money, usually due to a job-loss event.   Both of these emotions are unhealthy. Money is an inanimate object and should not be looked at with emotions of love or fear. This is how we unintentionally give money power that it simply does not deserve.   A healthy way of looking at money is to realize that it is simply a useful tool for us to give to others, take care of our families, and save for our futures. If we are lacking enough money, we need to realize that we are in a position where we need to gather more of this particular tool in order to do the job or task at hand.   It's easy to support this show. If you are looking for some great bargains and like to shop online, check out When you purchase something using that link, even if it's a gift for someone else, you'll be helping to contribute a small amount to keep this show of ours going. Your help is truly appreciated; thank you.

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