FMOOD 0190: Stop Trading Gifts!

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - Ein Podcast von Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

Silly adult, gifts are for kids. Well, not all of the time, but in most cases.   Picture the holiday shopping season. How many times have you found yourself actually dreading that time of the year because you are anticipating the cost, stress, and gift returns? I don't get why people do this to themselves. The easy answer is to stop trading gifts with other adults in the family. Make the holidays and birthdays about the kids in the family and your spouse, and leave it at that.   It may be a tough sell, especially if there are blended family traditions that you are suggesting to break. However, once you discuss with your family and extended family the benefits of this plan and how it will directly affect them financially and emotionally, they may actually give your proposal some consideration. It may not happen right away, so you should expect a reasonable amount of resistance, at least at first. Many times, people will be more receptive if the subject matter at hand is about them directly. When they hear how they can save time, money, and headaches, they'll start to listen to your spiel more attentively.   I wouldn't go as far as starting a war within your family and extended family, but I would suggest that you at least bring this idea up to them if you think it makes sense. If you're married, of course, start with your spouse. If your spouse is on board, even better. Now, you can start this proposal as a united front. You talk to your side of the family and your spouse can address theirs. Hopefully, others will see the sound logic in this and end up making everyone's lives that much easier.   If you know someone who may benefit from this show, please feel free to share it by sending them to If you're on Twitter, follow me at @fmoodpodcast for all of the latest tips, updates, and strategies to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

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