FMOOD 0176: The Pomodoro Technique

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I've heard about the Pomodoro Technique before, but I have never actually looked into trying this until recently. I did several searches on Google, and I found a wealth of information on this topic. If there's one thing that I've learned over the last several years, it's that no matter how rich you are or how much wealth you have acquired, you can't purchase time. Time is not a commodity. It's not for sale. We all get the same amount of time in any given day, no matter how much you've got sitting in your bank account. That reason alone is why I am truly excited to try the Pomodoro Technique.   This technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. He used a pomodoro timer to break down work into 25-minute intervals. After you've completed the 25-minute work session, you are rewarded with a short break. After several 25-minute sessions, you have earned a longer break. You reset your pomodoro count and start all over again, possibly with a brand-new task.   I love to try anything that sounds like it will help me to be more efficient, and this technique seems to be something that will really prove to be worth implementing. I'm also looking forward to being able to see how many pomodoro sessions it will take for me to complete certain tasks. From this data and analysis, I should be able to better plan my day by getting better at estimating the actual time that it will take for me to complete my tasks and goals.   By the way, I started using the Pomodoro Technique just a short while ago working on the final editing and publication of this particular episode. So far, this technique rocks. I highly recommend that you try it for yourself. If you do, tweet me @fmoodpodcast and let me know what you think. I'll be following up on this topic on a future podcast episode after I've had some time to give this a good trial run myself.

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