FMOOD 0168: When You Lack Intensity

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - Ein Podcast von Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

You need to be intentional and have the right levels of focus and intensity towards accomplishing your goals. Are you lax with your debt payoff strategies? Are you letting 0% interest rate credit cards lie around without paying them off because it's still 0% for another year or so?   It's really easy to get into that mode where you tend to ease back on your debt payoff. You take your foot off of the gas pedal, and you lose the intensity that you once had. Nobody's saying that you shouldn't have fun, but you need to plan your fun as opposed to blowing off debt payment obligations that you've already planned just because you've got a vacation coming up.   You can take a break from debt payoff if there's a reason and an end game that has already been defined. Let's say you realize that your vehicle is getting by on borrowed time. You know that you'll have to replace the car someday, but you're not sure exactly when that will be. You want to save up for that replacement vehicle purchase in order to avoid car payments. This is a great strategy, of course. Go ahead and feel free to do this, but once that vehicle has been purchased, you have to get yourself back on track with debt payoff with as much intensity as you had before.   Again, you need intensity, you need focus, and you need to be intentional. If you have all three of these components working for you in your everyday push to become debt free, you will be successful.   If you know someone who may benefit from this show, please feel free to share it by sending them to If you're on Twitter, follow me at @fmoodpodcast for all of the latest tips, updates, and strategies to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

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