FMOOD 0165: Better Time Management Tips

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We all know that budgeting money is important. However, how often do we think about budgeting time? Time is much more valuable than money, in my opinion. We can always earn more money, but we can't earn time. We're all given the same amount of hours each and every day, and how we spend those hours is completely up to us.   For me, clutter slows me down. When I have a desk that's messy or an e-mail inbox that's congested with low-priority items, I have a difficult time focusing. It slows me down, and the best way to resolve this is to clean things up and get organized.   I also like to line up my tasks for the following day before I hit the pillow. That way, I already know what I'm going to do the next day before the day begins. I organize my time into doing what's most important first, and I find that budgeting my time this way allows me to accomplish much more each and every day.   There are several other time management tips that I'll talk about, and if you can implement some of these changes in your life, you may find that you are able to get a lot more accomplished with a lot less distractions. Not all of these tips will apply to you, but it will at least get you thinking of ways to better manage your own time. Oh, and one more thing, work-life balance is a lie. I'll explain why.   If you've been enjoying this show, please share it with some friends! Copy, paste, and share the following address to give them direct access to every single episode that I've recorded so far (including this one):

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