FMOOD 0075: Alternatives to Daycare

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How much are you spending every month on daycare? Are you continuing to work and only seeing a few hundred dollars a month because the rest of your hard-earned money is going to a daycare facility? There's no shortage of daycare facilities, and there's no shortage of parents who need these services.   Be advised that there are alternatives to daycare. I realize that it's not always possible, especially in a situation where a single parent is the sole breadwinner. However, it is best to at least consider some alternatives before you make your final decision on whether or not to send your child to a daycare facility.   As an example, nowadays, the technology exists for many folks who work in an office to work remotely from home from their home computer. You would have to speak with your supervisor about this option. If your current place of employment does not have this in place, you may want to do a little research beforehand to present the option to your boss for consideration. Chances are, there are others who would benefit from being able to work from home as well, even if it's only temporary or on a case-by-case basis. On that note, you may be able to work part of the time from home and the rest of the time at the office. You could then hire a babysitter for the hours where you have to be at the office. Another possibility is to consider having one spouse work during the day and the other spouse work in the evening hours.   You could also consider a full-time babysitter. Chances are, this will be less expensive than a daycare facility. You will want to weigh your options as far as what your particular daycare facility offers; some are exceptional and offer a curriculum of learning, similar to a preschool environment. If there are greater benefits for you to choose a daycare facility rather than a full-time babysitter, then that is likely the direction you will want to go. At least you took the time to consider the alternatives to daycare first, and you could always revisit those alternatives in the future.   To stay up-to-date on show updates and bonus content, follow me on Twitter @fmoodpodcast or on Facebook at

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