When Drones Take Flight: Inside Cape Town's Startup Fiasco
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - Ein Podcast von FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: When Drones Take Flight: Inside Cape Town's Startup Fiasco Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/when-drones-take-flight-inside-cape-towns-startup-fiasco Story Transcript:Af: In 'n plek waar idees vlieg soos die woelig wind, daar in Kaapstad se startup-inkubator, staan Janco en Willemien reg vir 'n groot dag.En: In a place where ideas fly like the restless wind, there in Cape Town's startup incubator, Janco and Willemien stand ready for a big day.Af: Die winter het die stad in 'n koue greep, maar die passie in die inkubator is warm.En: Winter has gripped the city with cold, but the passion in the incubator is warm.Af: Drones wag in die hoek, blink en gereed.En: Drones wait in the corner, shiny and ready.Af: Janco is vol energie, sy oë blink as hy vertel van hul nuwe tegnologie.En: Janco is full of energy, his eyes sparkling as he talks about their new technology.Af: "Ons kan dit maak, Willemien! Ons gaan hulle beïndruk," sê hy selfversekerd.En: "We can do this, Willemien! We're going to impress them," he says confidently.Af: Willemien sug en kyk na hom.En: Willemien sighs and looks at him.Af: "Miskien, Janco. Maar ons moet seker maak alles werk voor ons begin," sê sy kalm.En: "Maybe, Janco. But we need to make sure everything works before we start," she says calmly.Af: Die lokaal is modern en helder, met skoon lyne en minimalistiese meubels.En: The space is modern and bright, with clean lines and minimalist furniture.Af: Groot vensters gee 'n uitsig oor die misbedekte berge.En: Large windows offer a view of the misty mountains.Af: Die lug is vars en skerp.En: The air is fresh and crisp.Af: Die beleggers, belangrik en nuuskierig, sit om 'n blink tafel.En: The investors, important and curious, sit around a shiny table.Af: Janco begin sy voorlegging.En: Janco begins his presentation.Af: Hy druk 'n knoppie, en een van die drones styg op.En: He presses a button, and one of the drones takes off.Af: Dit draai glad en elegant in die lug.En: It glides smoothly and elegantly in the air.Af: Skielik begin die ander drones ook opstyg, heeltemal teen Janco se plan.En: Suddenly, the other drones also start to take off, completely against Janco's plan.Af: Paniekerig druk hy knoppe, maar dit help nie.En: Panicking, he presses buttons, but it doesn't help.Af: Die drones skreeu en draai wild in die lug.En: The drones screech and spin wildly in the air.Af: Beleggers duik onder tafels weg terwyl drones teen mure bots en meubels tref.En: Investors dive under tables as drones crash into walls and hit furniture.Af: Willemien roep: "Janco, stop onmiddellik!"En: Willemien calls out, "Janco, stop immediately!"Af: Maar Janco sien 'n geleentheid.En: But Janco sees an opportunity.Af: Hy wring een drone en beheer dit versigtig.En: He wrestles one drone and carefully controls it.Af: Almal staar in stomme verbasing.En: Everyone stares in stunned amazement.Af: Hy demonstreer 'n indrukwekkende maneuver, die drone sweef deur klein spasies en draai in perfekte sirkels.En: He demonstrates an impressive maneuver, the drone sweeps through small spaces and turns in perfect circles.Af: Die kamer raak stil.En: The room falls silent.Af: Die drones land, kapot en beskadig.En: The drones land, broken and damaged.Af: Janco is sweterig en rooi in die gesig.En:...