The Artful Escape: When Curiosity Led to a Sticky Situation
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Artful Escape: When Curiosity Led to a Sticky Situation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Johan stap met selfvertroue deur die groot moderne gange van die Johannesburg Kunsmuseum.En: Johan walks confidently through the large modern corridors of the Johannesburg Art Museum.Af: Dit is lente, en die vars lug vloei deur die groot glas vensters.En: It is spring, and the fresh air flows through the large glass windows.Af: Sy vriende, Anika en Marius, stap langs hom, almal glimlaggend en nuuskierig oor die nuwe uitstallings.En: His friends, Anika and Marius, walk alongside him, all smiling and curious about the new exhibitions.Af: "Ky-jy hier!" sê Johan opgewonde.En: "Look over here!" says Johan excitedly.Af: Sy oë glinster wanneer hy 'n interaktiewe kunswerk raaksien.En: His eyes sparkle when he notices an interactive art piece.Af: Dit is 'n interessante stukkie met 'n ronde gat in die middel.En: It's an intriguing piece with a round hole in the middle.Af: Daar is ook 'n teken wat sê: "Vat deel, ontdek meer."En: There's also a sign that says: "Participate, discover more."Af: Johan, altyd die avonturier, steek sy vinger sonder nadenke in die gat.En: Johan, always the adventurer, sticks his finger thoughtlessly into the hole.Af: Dit voel soos gom of kleefstof.En: It feels like glue or adhesive.Af: Maar dan, vreemd genoeg, sit sy vinger vas.En: But then, strangely enough, his finger gets stuck.Af: Hy lag senuweeagtig.En: He laughs nervously.Af: "Dis seker deel van die kuns," sê hy, probeerend om oulik oor te kom.En: "It must be part of the art," he says, trying to come across as charming.Af: Anika kyk bietjie bekommerd.En: Anika looks a bit worried.Af: "Johan, is jy seker jy kan loskom?"En: "Johan, are you sure you can get free?"Af: Johan glimlag braaf, "Ja-ja, geen probleem nie!"En: Johan bravely smiles, "Yes, yes, no problem!"Af: Maar sy poging om los te trek laat hom net rooierig in die gesig van moeite.En: But his attempt to pull free only makes him red in the face from effort.Af: Die kuns lyk nou meer soos 'n strik as 'n spel.En: The art now seems more like a trap than a game.Af: Marius, altyd die praktiese een, skud sy kop.En: Marius, always the practical one, shakes his head.Af: "Johan, miskien moet ons die personeel vra?" stel hy voor, maar Johan wil nie 'n scene veroorsaak nie.En: "Johan, maybe we should ask the staff?" he suggests, but Johan doesn't want to cause a scene.Af: "Hulle sal dink ek het 'n grap gemaak!" sê Johan, probeer kalm bly.En: "They'll think I made a joke!" says Johan, trying to stay calm.Af: Anika en Marius gee mekaar 'n blik van begrip.En: Anika and Marius exchange a look of understanding.Af: Hulle moet planne maak.En: They need to make plans.Af: Anika haal 'n plastiekwaterbottel uit haar handsak.En: Anika takes a plastic water bottle out of her handbag.Af: "Kom ons probeer om jou vinger nat te maak," stel sy voor.En: "Let's try to wet your finger," she suggests.Af: Maar dit werk nie.En: But it doesn't work.Af: Marius probeer om sy skouer te gebruik as hefboom, maar Johan voel net almal kyk na hulle.En: Marius tries to use his shoulder as a lever, but Johan just feels everyone watching them.Af:...