Summer Nights and Secret Inventions: A Science Fair Triumph
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Summer Nights and Secret Inventions: A Science Fair Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Onder die warm somerson, in 'n tuin versier met Kersliggies en tinsel, lê 'n geheim.En: Under the warm summer sun, in a garden decorated with Christmas lights and tinsel, lies a secret.Af: Pieter en Annelie het 'n spesiale plek.En: Pieter and Annelie have a special place.Af: 'n Omskepte tuin skuur agter Pieter se huis.En: A converted garden shed behind Pieter's house.Af: Binne is dit 'n chaos van gadgets, gereedskap, en halfklaar uitvindings.En: Inside, it's a chaos of gadgets, tools, and half-finished inventions.Af: Dit is hul geheime laboratorium.En: It's their secret laboratory.Af: Met die skool se wetenskap ekspo om die draai, bruis Pieter van opgewondenheid.En: With the school's science expo around the corner, Pieter is buzzing with excitement.Af: Sy oog vang sy jongste skepping – 'n eksperimentele toestel met wieletjies en flikkerende liggies.En: His eye catches his latest creation – an experimental device with wheels and flickering lights.Af: Dit is die projek wat hy glo almal gaan verstom.En: It's the project that he believes will astound everyone.Af: "Ek moet hierdie regkry," sê Pieter vasberade.En: "I have to get this right," says Pieter determinedly.Af: Annelie, sy beste vriendin, kyk gewillig na die apparaat, bekommerd oor moontlike foute.En: Annelie, his best friend, looks willingly at the apparatus, worried about possible flaws.Af: "Ons moet baie versigtig wees, Pieter.En: "We must be very careful, Pieter.Af: Dit moet perfek wees," waarsku sy.En: It has to be perfect," she warns.Af: Die ekspo is hoog op hul prioriteitslys.En: The expo is high on their priority list.Af: Maar die tyd is min en werk moet nog gedoen word.En: But time is short, and work still needs to be done.Af: Pieter en Annelie werk deur die someraand.En: Pieter and Annelie work through the summer evening.Af: Slim knutselwerk en koppige vasberadenheid hou hulle aan die gang.En: Clever tinkering and stubborn determination keep them going.Af: Teen sonsondergang besluit Pieter, "Ek gaan deur die nag werk.En: By sunset, Pieter decides, "I'm going to work through the night."Af: " Annelie twyfel, maar haar lojaliteit aan Pieter laat haar besluit om aan sy sy te bly.En: Annelie hesitates, but her loyalty to Pieter makes her decide to stay by his side.Af: Einde van die semester se geestelike fees kom na aan, net soos Kersfees.En: The end of the semester's intellectual feast comes near, just like Christmas.Af: Die klank van krieke sing 'n somer-liedjie buite.En: The sound of crickets sings a summer song outside.Af: Maar in die laboratorium is Pieter en Annelie hard aan die werk.En: But in the laboratory, Pieter and Annelie are hard at work.Af: Hulle passie en spanwerk drijf hulle voort.En: Their passion and teamwork drive them forward.Af: Die dag van die ekspo breek aan.En: The day of the expo dawns.Af: Die skoolsaal borrel van opwinding.En: The school hall buzzes with excitement.Af: Pieter staan op die verhoog, knope in sy maag.En: Pieter stands on the stage, knots in his stomach.Af: Annelie by sy sy as morele steun.En: Annelie by his side as moral support.Af: Hy sit die masjien aan.En: He switches the...