Sibling Bonding: A Heritage Day Celebration in Cape Town
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Sibling Bonding: A Heritage Day Celebration in Cape Town Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die lente het die buurt in Kaapstad met kleur gevul.En: Spring filled the neighborhood in Cape Town with color.Af: Die blomme het gebloos en die lug was vol met die reuk van braaivleis.En: The flowers bloomed, and the air was filled with the smell of barbecues.Af: Oorkant die straat kon kinders lag en speel.En: Across the street, children could be heard laughing and playing.Af: Maar by die klein huisie van Anton, Elize, en Pieter was die atmosfeer stil, anders.En: But in the small house of Anton, Elize, and Pieter, the atmosphere was quiet, different.Af: Anton, die oudste, het by die kombuistafel gesit en oor 'n notaboek gebuig.En: Anton, the eldest, sat at the kitchen table, hunched over a notebook.Af: Hy het sy bes gedoen om 'n dag vol vreugde te beplan vir sy jonger sibbes.En: He was doing his best to plan a day full of joy for his younger siblings.Af: Sy ouers werk nou oorsee, en dit was hulle eerste Erfenisdag sonder ma en pa.En: Their parents were working overseas, and it was their first Heritage Day without mom and dad.Af: Hy het homself gedwing om te glimlag, al was sy gemoed swaar.En: He forced himself to smile, even though his heart was heavy.Af: Elize, die middelkind, het deur die venster gestaar en gedroom van alles wat hulle kon doen.En: Elize, the middle child, stared out the window, dreaming of all the things they could do.Af: Sy was dol daaroor om haar kreatiewe idees by te dra, al was dit meestal dagdrome.En: She loved contributing her creative ideas, even if they were mostly daydreams.Af: "Anton, wat dink jy van hierdie idee?En: "Anton, what do you think of this idea?"Af: " het sy skielik uitgeskree.En: she suddenly shouted.Af: Hy het gegrinnik en geknipoog.En: He grinned and winked.Af: "Ons maak vir Pieter 'n minikaraofe-disko," het sy met 'n glinster in haar oë voorgestel.En: "Let's create a mini karaoke disco for Pieter," she suggested with a sparkle in her eyes.Af: Pieter, die jongste, het buite op die gras rondgehardloop.En: Pieter, the youngest, ran around outside on the grass.Af: Hy het sy vliegtuig van papier rondgeslinger, en met elke gooi het sy blindelinge verlange na sy ouers dit saamgedra.En: He tossed his paper airplane, and with each throw, his silent longing for his parents flew with it.Af: "Ek wonder wat hulle vandag doen," het hy gefluister en die vliegtuig weer laat vlieg.En: "I wonder what they're doing today," he whispered, sending the airplane flying again.Af: Anton het geweet hy moes iets spesiaals vir sy broers en susters doen sonder om veel geld te spandeer.En: Anton knew he had to do something special for his brother and sister without spending much money.Af: Hy het besluit op 'n eenvoudige Heritage Day in hul agterplaas.En: He decided on a simple Heritage Day in their backyard.Af: Hulle sou eenvoudige kosse van verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse kulture maak.En: They would make simple dishes from different South African cultures.Af: Hy het vir Elize gevra om die kreatiewe versierings te maak en Pieter sou help met inkopies.En: He asked Elize to make creative decorations, and Pieter would help with the shopping.Af: Met spanpogings het die dag aangebreek.En: With teamwork, the day...