Secrets and Storms: The Hidden Treasure of Kirstenbosch

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Secrets and Storms: The Hidden Treasure of Kirstenbosch Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die reuk van varings en bloeisels hang swaar in die lug van Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin.En: The scent of varings and blossoms hangs heavy in the air of Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.Af: Dit is Lentedag op Erfenisdag, en die son bak helder oor die groen bosse.En: It is Spring Day on Heritage Day, and the sun shines brightly over the green woods.Af: Pieter en Annelise stap hand aan hand, die paadjies tussen die boomvare volg.En: Pieter and Annelise walk hand in hand, following the paths among the tree ferns.Af: Pieter hou styf aan sy ou joernaal vas.En: Pieter holds his old journal tightly.Af: Dit is sy kosbare skat; binne is leidrade oor 'n artefak wat seisoene kan verander.En: It is his precious treasure; inside are clues about an artifact that can change seasons.Af: Hy sien dit as 'n kans om iets besonders te ontdek.En: He sees it as an opportunity to discover something special.Af: Annelise, aan sy sy, is nie so seker nie.En: Annelise, at his side, is not so sure.Af: Sy rol haar oë, maar 'n glimlag speel om haar lippe.En: She rolls her eyes, but a smile plays on her lips.Af: Sy is hier vir Pieter, om seker te maak hy bly veilig, al glo sy nie aan die stories nie.En: She is here for Pieter, to make sure he stays safe, even though she doesn’t believe the stories.Af: "Pieter," sê Annelise, "hoe weet ons waar om te begin soek?"En: "Pieter," says Annelise, "how do we know where to start looking?"Af: Pieter wag oomblik toe by 'n bankie.En: Pieter pauses at a bench.Af: Hy blaas die blare van die joernaal af en wys na 'n geskrewe nota: "Waar die wind deur die wilgerbome fluister."En: He blows the leaves from the journal and points to a written note: "Where the wind whispers through the willow trees."Af: Hulle stap verder, en spoedig bereik hulle 'n gedeelte van die tuin oorvloedig met wilgerbome.En: They walk further, and soon they reach a section of the garden abundant with willow trees.Af: Die blare ritsel sag in die wind.En: The leaves rustle softly in the wind.Af: "Hier moet dit wees, Annelise," fluister Pieter opgewonde.En: "This must be it, Annelise," Pieter whispers excitedly.Af: Hy kyk na 'n spesifieke boom met 'n ou, gekerfde merk.En: He looks at a specific tree with an old, carved mark.Af: Skielik tref 'n vinnige lentestorm die tuin.En: Suddenly, a quick spring storm hits the garden.Af: Die donder klink weerklank oor die tuin.En: Thunder echoes across the garden.Af: Die reën val vinnig en hard.En: The rain falls quickly and hard.Af: Annelise wil omdraai, maar Pieter het die merk al gevind.En: Annelise wants to turn back, but Pieter has already found the mark.Af: Hulle stap nader.En: They step closer.Af: Hy versigtig steek sy hand uit en maak die grond om die boom by die merk los.En: He carefully reaches out and loosens the soil around the tree at the mark.Af: Hulle grawe en binnekort ontdek hulle 'n klein, oupakke.En: They dig, and soon they discover a small, old package.Af: Pieter se hande bewe liggies terwyl hy die pak oopmaak.En: Pieter's hands tremble slightly as he opens the package.Af: Binne lê 'n glinsterende voorwerp, presies soos die artefak in sy ou joernaal...

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