Santorini Secrets: Finding Love Among the Blue Waves

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Santorini Secrets: Finding Love Among the Blue Waves Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die vars seebries van Santorini waai liggies deur die klein seekantkafee waar Pieter en Annelie sit.En: The fresh sea breeze of Santorini gently wafts through the small seaside café where Pieter and Annelie sit.Af: Die lug ruik na sout en die tafels is besaai met klein kersversierings.En: The air smells of salt and the tables are scattered with small candle decorations.Af: Die klank van gelag en sagte musiek vul die spasie.En: The sound of laughter and soft music fills the space.Af: Pieter neem 'n slukkie van sy Griekse koffie.En: Pieter takes a sip of his Greek coffee.Af: Sy oë dwaal oor die helderblou water.En: His eyes wander over the bright blue water.Af: Hy voel avontuurlustig en opgewonde oor die vakansie, maar hy weet daar is meer aan hierdie reis.En: He feels adventurous and excited about the vacation, but he knows there is more to this trip.Af: Hy wil meer met Annelie deel as net vriendskap.En: He wants to share more with Annelie than just friendship.Af: Annelie sit oorkant hom. Sy geniet die stil oomblikke weg van haar besige lewe.En: Annelie sits across from him, enjoying the quiet moments away from her busy life.Af: Alhoewel sy net 'n rustige vakansie wil hê, dink sy oor haar lang vriendskap met Pieter.En: Although she just wants a peaceful vacation, she thinks about her long friendship with Pieter.Af: Is daar meer? Sy glimlag skaam vir Pieter en vra hom oor sy kunsprojekte.En: Is there more? She smiles shyly at Pieter and asks him about his art projects.Af: Skielik, soos 'n wervelwind, kom Johan by die kafee ingestap.En: Suddenly, like a whirlwind, Johan walks into the café.Af: "Pieter! Annelie! Wat 'n verrassing!" roep hy uit.En: "Pieter! Annelie! What a surprise!" he exclaims.Af: Hulle kyk op, geskok om 'n bekende gesig in hierdie verre land te sien.En: They look up, shocked to see a familiar face in this distant land.Af: Johan bring 'n nuwe energie mee.En: Johan brings a new energy with him.Af: Hy praat en lag hard, en vertel stories van Suid-Afrika en sy verloofde.En: He talks and laughs loudly, telling stories of South Africa and his fiancée.Af: Maar sy woorde steek soms aan verborge waarhede uit die verlede. Veral wanneer hy praat oor ou geheime en misverstande.En: But his words sometimes hint at hidden truths from the past, especially when he talks about old secrets and misunderstandings.Af: Terwyl hulle na Johan luister, voel Pieter sy moed opbou.En: As they listen to Johan, Pieter feels his courage build.Af: Hy weet hy moet eerlik wees met Annelie.En: He knows he must be honest with Annelie.Af: Die kersfeesgees vul die kafee, die liggies skyn helder teen die donker middagrug.En: The Christmas spirit fills the café, the lights shining bright against the dark afternoon.Af: Dit is die perfekte tyd.En: It is the perfect time.Af: "Pieter, wat is verkeerd?" vra Annelie, opgemerk dat Pieter meer stil is as andersins.En: "Pieter, what is wrong?" asks Annelie, noticing that Pieter is quieter than usual.Af: Hy kyk diep in haar oë.En: He looks deeply into her eyes.Af: "Ek moet jou iets vertel, Annelie," begin hy.En: "I have to tell you something, Annelie," he begins.Af: "Ek voel meer vir jou as net vriendskap."En: "I feel...

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