Safari Mystery: Unforgettable Encounter Under African Stars
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Safari Mystery: Unforgettable Encounter Under African Stars Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het pas agter die horison verdwyn.En: The sun has just disappeared behind the horizon.Af: Johan en Annelie sit stil in die oop veldwa van die nagritte in die Krugerwildtuin.En: Johan and Annelie sit quietly in the open safari truck during the night drives in the Kruger National Park.Af: Die veld is stil.En: The field is silent.Af: Die gidse se stemme is sag.En: The guides' voices are soft.Af: Hulle kyk vir diere in die donker.En: They look for animals in the dark.Af: Skielik sien Johan iets vreemds.En: Suddenly, Johan sees something strange.Af: 'n Lig skitter in die bosse.En: A light glimmers in the bushes.Af: Dit is helder en vreemd.En: It is bright and unusual.Af: Hy fluister vir Annelie: "Kyk! Daar is 'n lig."En: He whispers to Annelie: "Look! There's a light."Af: Annelie staar na die skitterende lig.En: Annelie stares at the shimmering light.Af: Dit beweeg stadig in die bosse.En: It moves slowly in the bushes.Af: Sy fluister terug: “Wat kan dit wees?”En: She whispers back: “What could it be?”Af: Die veldwagter merk hulle op.En: The game ranger notices them.Af: Hy kyk ook na die lig.En: He also looks at the light.Af: “Dit is nie normaal nie,” sê hy.En: “This is not normal,” he says.Af: “Ons moet ondersoek instel.”En: “We need to investigate.”Af: Die veldwa ry stadig nader aan die lig.En: The safari truck moves slowly closer to the light.Af: Hulle hou hul asem op.En: They hold their breath.Af: Dit is stil, behalwe vir die dromende klanke van die bos.En: It is quiet except for the droning sounds of the bush.Af: Dan sien hulle die bron van die lig.En: Then they see the source of the light.Af: 'n Geheimsinnige voorwerp hang tussen die bome.En: A mysterious object hangs between the trees.Af: Dit is helder en rond.En: It is bright and round.Af: Knoppiesdierjies fladder om dit.En: Fireflies flutter around it.Af: Annelie blink van opwinding.En: Annelie beams with excitement.Af: “Dis so mooi!” sê sy.En: “It's so beautiful!” she says.Af: Johan knik, maar hou sy oë op die vreemde lig.En: Johan nods but keeps his eyes on the strange light.Af: Die veldwagter skud sy kop.En: The game ranger shakes his head.Af: “Ek het nog nooit so iets gesien nie,” sê hy.En: “I've never seen something like this before,” he says.Af: “Dit lyk nie natuurlik nie.”En: “It doesn’t look natural.”Af: Die veldwa stop.En: The safari truck stops.Af: Johan en Annelie klim versigtig af.En: Johan and Annelie carefully climb down.Af: Hulle stap nader aan die lig.En: They step closer to the light.Af: Die atmosfeer is sereen maar ook ongelukkig.En: The atmosphere is serene but also uneasy.Af: Dit voel asof iets groot in die lug hang.En: It feels as if something significant hangs in the air.Af: Skielik hoor hulle 'n fluitgeluid.En: Suddenly, they hear a whistling sound.Af: Dit is hoog en vreemd.En: It is high-pitched and strange.Af: Die knoppiesdierjies vlieg verder weg van die lig.