Revisiting Robbeneiland: A Journey to Uncover Past Secrets

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Revisiting Robbeneiland: A Journey to Uncover Past Secrets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son bak warm oor Robbeneiland.En: The sun shines warmly over Robbeneiland.Af: Die helder blou see blink in die middaglig.En: The bright blue sea glistens in the afternoon light.Af: Marelise staan met toegeknypte oë en kyk na die ou tronkgebou.En: Marelise stands with squinted eyes and looks at the old prison building.Af: Dit lyk so stil, maar sy weet dis vol verhale.En: It seems so still, but she knows it's full of stories.Af: "Johan," roep sy oor haar skouer.En: "Johan," she calls over her shoulder.Af: Hy antwoord nie dadelik nie, sy bly staan en wag.En: He doesn't answer immediately, but she stands and waits.Af: Sy hoor nie sy voetstappe op die klippe nie, maar sy weet hy kom nader.En: She doesn't hear his footsteps on the stones, but she knows he's coming closer.Af: Johan kom by haar aan, sy oë verskerm teen die son.En: Johan reaches her, his eyes shielded against the sun.Af: "Marelise, hoekom is ons hier?En: "Marelise, why are we here?"Af: " Johan se stem is half geamuseerd, half gefrustreerd.En: Johan's voice is half amused, half frustrated.Af: "Dis so lank gelede, hoekom wil jy nou weer hieraan krap?En: "It's been so long, why do you want to dig this up again?"Af: "Sy kyk hom reguit in die oë.En: She looks him straight in the eyes.Af: "Ek het 'n brief gevind, Johan.En: "I found a letter, Johan.Af: Pa se brief.En: Dad's letter.Af: Dit was aan ons geskryf, maar ons het dit nooit gesien nie.En: It was written to us, but we never saw it."Af: "Sy oorhandig 'n vaal, verslete koevert aan hom.En: She hands him a faded, worn envelope.Af: Johan vat die brief met huiwering.En: Johan takes the letter with hesitation.Af: Sy vingers bewe 'n bietjie, maar hy maak dit oop.En: His fingers tremble a bit, but he opens it.Af: Sy oë gly oor die geskrewe woorde.En: His eyes scan the written words.Af: Marelise sien 'n mengsel van emosies op sy gesig flits.En: Marelise sees a mixture of emotions flash across his face.Af: "Ek wil weet wat regtig hier gebeur het," sê Marelise sag.En: "I want to know what really happened here," Marelise says softly.Af: "Pa se tyd hier het 'n impak op ons almal gehad.En: "Dad's time here had an impact on all of us.Af: Ek moet verstaan om aan te gaan.En: I need to understand to move on."Af: "Johan sug diep en vou die brief weer toe.En: Johan sighs deeply and folds the letter again.Af: "Ek het lankal probeer vergeet.En: "I've tried to forget for a long time.Af: Maar miskien is dit tyd dat ons dit in die oë kyk.En: But maybe it's time we face it."Af: "Hulle volg die paadjie wat na die gevangenis lei.En: They follow the path that leads to the prison.Af: Die gidstoer lei hulle deur die koue sale en seldeure.En: The guided tour leads them through the cold halls and cell doors.Af: Johan loop diep in sy eie gedagtes, terwyl Marelise met elke stap meer vasberade raak.En: Johan walks deep in his own thoughts, while Marelise becomes more determined with each step.Af: By een van die selle breek Johan onverwags.En: At one of the cells, Johan breaks down unexpectedly.Af: Sy skouers ruk met stil gehuil.

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