Rescue on Table Mountain: A Tale of Friendship and Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Rescue on Table Mountain: A Tale of Friendship and Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Op 'n helder sonnige oggend het Schalk en Marelize besluit om 'n staptoer op Tafelberg aan te pak.En: On a bright sunny morning, Schalk and Marelize decided to tackle a hike on Table Mountain.Af: Hulle was avontuurlustig en gretig om die pragtige uitsigte te sien.En: They were adventurous and eager to see the beautiful views.Af: Die berg was hoog en steil, maar hulle was gereed.En: The mountain was high and steep, but they were ready.Af: Hulle het vroeg begin, met rugsaakke vol kos en water.En: They started early, with backpacks full of food and water.Af: Die pad was rotsagtig, maar die uitsigte oor Kaapstad en die oseaan was asemrowend.En: The path was rocky, but the views over Cape Town and the ocean were breathtaking.Af: Marelize het haar kamera geneem om foto's te neem.En: Marelize had brought her camera to take pictures.Af: Skielik het Schalk op 'n los rots getrap.En: Suddenly, Schalk stepped on a loose rock.Af: "Ai!En: "Ouch!"Af: " het hy uitgeroep.En: he exclaimed.Af: Hy het seergemaak en kon nie sy voet beweeg nie.En: He was hurt and couldn't move his foot.Af: "Ek dink ek het my enkel geswik," het hy gesê.En: "I think I twisted my ankle," he said.Af: Marelize het haar sak neergesit en na Schalk gegaan.En: Marelize put down her bag and went to Schalk.Af: Sy het sy enkel ondersoek.En: She examined his ankle.Af: Dit was alreeds geswel.En: It was already swollen.Af: "Jy moet sit en rus," het sy gesê.En: "You need to sit and rest," she said.Af: Hulle het 'n skaduwee gevind waar Schalk kon sit.En: They found some shade where Schalk could sit.Af: Marelize het na Schalk se gesig gekyk.En: Marelize looked at Schalk's face.Af: "Ek sal hulp gaan kry," het sy gesê terwyl sy haar selfoon uitgehaal het.En: "I'll go get help," she said while taking out her cell phone.Af: Ongelukkig was daar geen sein op die berg nie.En: Unfortunately, there was no signal on the mountain.Af: Sy het kortpad gedink en 'n besluit geneem.En: She thought quickly and made a decision.Af: "Ek sal afhardloop na die naaste noodtelefoon," het sy gesê.En: "I'll run down to the nearest emergency phone," she said.Af: Schalk het ingestem.En: Schalk agreed.Af: Marelize het vinnig afgesit, vinnig maar veilig.En: Marelize took off quickly, fast but safely.Af: Sy het die pad wat hulle gevolg het, teruggekyk om seker te maak sy onthou waar Schalk sit.En: She looked back at the path they had followed to make sure she remembered where Schalk was sitting.Af: Nadat sy 'n rukkie gehardloop het, het sy die noodtelefoon bereik.En: After running for a while, she reached the emergency phone.Af: Sy het vinnig na hulp gevra.En: She quickly called for help.Af: Die reddingspan was vinnig daar, en hulle het saam met Marelize teruggestap na Schalk.En: The rescue team arrived promptly, and they hiked back to Schalk with Marelize.Af: Hulle het Schalk op 'n draagbaar gesit en hom versigtig na die voet van die berg geneem.En: They placed Schalk on a stretcher and carefully took him down to the foot of the mountain.Af: By die voet van Tafelberg het die...