Rekindling Trust: Secrets, Forgiveness, and New Beginnings
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Rekindling Trust: Secrets, Forgiveness, and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor die see van Kaapstad.En: The sun shines brightly over the sea of Kaapstad.Af: Die lug is warm en die geur van vars gebak en koffie hang in die lug van die besige kafee.En: The air is warm and the scent of freshly baked goods and coffee lingers in the air of the busy café.Af: Dit is Valentynsdag, en die tafels is versier met rooi en wit rose.En: It is Valentine's Day, and the tables are decorated with red and white roses.Af: Leonie sit by 'n afgesonderde hoektafel.En: Leonie sits at a secluded corner table.Af: Haar oë kyk vasberade na die deur.En: Her eyes are fixed resolutely on the door.Af: Frederik kom binne.En: Frederik comes in.Af: Sy glimlag soos altyd, maar daar is 'n twinkeling van onrustigheid in sy oë.En: He smiles as always, but there is a glint of unease in his eyes.Af: Hulle groet mekaar met 'n ongemaklike omhelsing en neem 'n sitplek.En: They greet each other with an awkward hug and take a seat.Af: Die klanke van koffiebeker-gekletter en gedempte gesprekke omring hulle.En: The sounds of coffee cups clinking and muted conversations surround them.Af: Frederik bestel 'n cappuccino, terwyl Leonie 'n rooibostee kies.En: Frederik orders a cappuccino, while Leonie opts for a rooibostee.Af: "Frederik, ek moet met jou praat," begin Leonie, haar stem ferm maar sag.En: "Frederik, I need to talk to you," Leonie begins, her voice firm but gentle.Af: "Ek weet van jou verlede.En: "I know about your past."Af: "Frederik verstyf.En: Frederik stiffens.Af: Hy kyk af na sy beker, roer stadig.En: He looks down at his cup, stirring slowly.Af: "Leonie, ek weet nie waarvan jy praat nie," sê hy, sy stem huiwerig.En: "Leonie, I don't know what you're talking about," he says, his voice hesitant.Af: "Ek het ondersoek ingestel," vervolg Leonie.En: "I did some investigating," Leonie continues.Af: "Ek is 'n joernalis, jy weet ek kon nie anders nie.En: "I'm a journalist, you know I couldn't help it.Af: Ek het dokumente gevind.En: I found documents."Af: "Frederik sug diep en vryf oor sy voorkop.En: Frederik sighs deeply and rubs his forehead.Af: Die aarde draai steeds, die mense om hulle gaan aan met hul eie geskinder, onbekwaam vir die storm wat op die punt staan om los te bars aan hul tafel.En: The world keeps turning, the people around them continue with their own chatter, oblivious to the storm about to break at their table.Af: "Dit is nie so eenvoudig nie," sê hy laastens.En: "It's not that simple," he finally says.Af: "Ek het dinge gedoen wat ek nie kan regverdig nie.En: "I did things I can't justify."Af: "Leonie haal diep asem, haar hande op die tafel gevou.En: Leonie takes a deep breath, her hands folded on the table.Af: "Ek wil nie oordeel nie, Frederik.En: "I don't want to judge, Frederik.Af: Ek wil net weet hoekom.En: I just want to know why."Af: "Frederik kyk vir 'n lang tyd na die see, asof die antwoorde daar lê.En: Frederik looks out to the sea for a long time, as if the answers lie there.Af: Dan, met 'n diep asemteug, vertel hy alles.En: Then, with a deep breath, he tells her everything.Af: Hoe hy in sy jeug impulsiewe besluite geneem het uit...