Rediscovering Light: Elize’s Journey Through Darkness and Healing

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Rediscovering Light: Elize’s Journey Through Darkness and Healing Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die geesteskliniek, was die wande wit en koud.En: In the psychiatric clinic, the walls were white and cold.Af: Maar daar was 'n ligstraal van hoop.En: But there was a ray of hope.Af: Elize van der Merwe staar uit die venster.En: Elize van der Merwe stared out the window.Af: Die winterson was flou, maar dit het nog lig gemaak.En: The winter sun was faint, but it still gave light.Af: Sy dink aan hoe alles so donker voel binne-in haar.En: She thought about how everything felt so dark inside her.Af: Dr. Pieter Coetzee, haar psigiater, sit langs haar.En: Dr. Pieter Coetzee, her psychiatrist, sat next to her.Af: "Hoe voel jy vandag, Elize?" vra hy sag.En: "How are you feeling today, Elize?" he asked gently.Af: "Ek weet nie," fluister sy.En: "I don't know," she whispered.Af: "Alles voel net swaar."En: "Everything just feels heavy."Af: Elize was in haar vroeë dertigerjare en intelligent.En: Elize was in her early thirties and intelligent.Af: Maar haar gedagtes en gevoelens het haar oorweldig soos 'n groot golf.En: But her thoughts and feelings overwhelmed her like a big wave.Af: Sy voel soos sy verdrink.En: She felt like she was drowning.Af: Sy worstel met angs en depressie.En: She struggled with anxiety and depression.Af: En sy voel vêr van haar familie en van haarself.En: And she felt far from her family and from herself.Af: Haar broer, Jonathan, het haar probeer help.En: Her brother, Jonathan, had tried to help her.Af: Maar sy het hom dikwels weggestoot.En: But she often pushed him away.Af: Sy was bang om hom teleur te stel.En: She was afraid of disappointing him.Af: "Dit is goed om jou gevoelens te erken," sê Dr. Coetzee.En: "It's good to acknowledge your feelings," said Dr. Coetzee.Af: "Dit is die eerste stap."En: "It's the first step."Af: Dit was Nelson Mandela Dag.En: It was Nelson Mandela Day.Af: Die kliniek het plakkate van Mandela en sy aanhalings opgehang.En: The clinic had put up posters of Mandela and his quotes.Af: "Dit is ons lig, nie ons donker wat ons bang maak," lees een van die plakkate.En: "It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us," read one of the posters.Af: Elize kon nie meer saamstem nie.En: Elize couldn't agree more.Af: Tog voel sy ver van daardie lig.En: Yet she felt far from that light.Af: "Ek wil verstaan hoekom ek so voel," sê Elize.En: "I want to understand why I feel this way," said Elize.Af: "Ek wil beter en gelukkiger wees."En: "I want to be better and happier."Af: "Jy moet die oorsaak vind," sê Dr. Coetzee.En: "You need to find the cause," said Dr. Coetzee.Af: "Ons sal dieper delf.En: "We will delve deeper.Af: Vertrou die proses."En: Trust the process."Af: Elize hou van hierdie persuasie, maar sy vind dit moeilik om oop te maak.En: Elize liked this reassurance, but she found it difficult to open up.Af: "Dit is moeilik," sê sy.En: "It's hard," she said.Af: "My familie het soveel verwagtinge.En: "My family has so many expectations.Af: Ek voel altyd dat ek hulle...

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