Mystery at the Airport: A Holiday Detective Story

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mystery at the Airport: A Holiday Detective Story Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die hart van die somer, met Kersfees net om die draai, is Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe 'n miernes van aktiwiteite.En: In the heart of summer, with Christmas just around the corner, Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe is a hive of activity.Af: Die klanke van aankondigings en gelag vul die lug, terwyl kersliggies oor die mure flikker.En: The sounds of announcements and laughter fill the air as Christmas lights flicker over the walls.Af: Tussen hierdie vreugde stap Jaco stadig, sy tas stewig in sy hand.En: Amidst this joy, Jaco walks slowly, his suitcase firmly in his hand.Af: Hy het pas van Johannesburg af aangekom, gretig om die vakansiedae in sy geliefde Kaapstad deur te bring.En: He has just arrived from Johannesburg, eager to spend the holidays in his beloved Kaapstad.Af: Liesl, 'n jong grondpersoneellid, is besig om haar skof af te handel.En: Liesl, a young ground staff member, is busy finishing her shift.Af: Sy het gewoond geraak aan die feestelike drukte, maar iets vang haar oog.En: She has gotten used to the festive bustle, but something catches her eye.Af: 'n Verlate tas lê net buite die bagasieklagarea.En: An abandoned suitcase lies just outside the baggage claim area.Af: Geen identifiserende merke nie, net 'n geheimsinnige swart koffer.En: No identifying marks, just a mysterious black case.Af: Met 'n frons stap sy nader, bewus daarvan dat sy volgens protokol moet optree.En: With a frown, she steps closer, aware that she must act according to protocol.Af: Net toe sy haar radiotoestel oplig, sien sy Jaco ook na die tas kyk.En: Just as she raises her radio device, she sees Jaco also eyeing the suitcase.Af: “Is hierdie tas joune, meneer?” vra sy met 'n huiwer.En: “Is this suitcase yours, sir?” she asks hesitantly.Af: “Nee, maar ek het 'n neus vir raaisels,” glimlag Jaco, “Ek was 'n speurder.”En: “No, but I have a nose for mysteries,” Jaco smiles, “I was a detective.”Af: Liesl kyk om haar rond.En: Liesl looks around.Af: Die veiligheidswagte is besig met ander passassiers.En: The security guards are busy with other passengers.Af: As sy moet wag, kan dit chaos veroorsaak.En: If she has to wait, it could cause chaos.Af: “Miskien kan u help,” sê sy met 'n sug.En: “Maybe you can help,” she says with a sigh.Af: Hulle buk saam by die tas.En: They bend down together by the suitcase.Af: Jaco se kennersoog vang 'n effense skeur in die voering.En: Jaco's expert eye catches a slight tear in the lining.Af: Met behendige vingers lig hy dit op en onthul 'n klein notaboekie.En: With nimble fingers, he lifts it to reveal a small notebook.Af: "Kyk, hier is 'n naam," sê hy, terwyl hy na die initiale M.R. wys.En: "Look, there's a name here," he says, pointing to the initials M.R..Af: “Kom ons vind haar,” antwoord Liesl, en hulle stap vinnig na die naaste inligtingskiosk.En: “Let's find her,” Liesl replies, and they quickly head to the nearest information kiosk.Af: Met behulp van die naam op die passasierslys spoor hulle die eienaar op, 'n verstrooide reisiger wat verwilderd op sy vlug uitgesien het.En: Using the name on the passenger list, they track down the owner, a distracted traveler who had been eagerly awaiting his flight.Af: Toe die tas uiteindelik terugbesorg word,...

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