Mapungubwe's Secrets: Balancing Discovery & Preservation

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mapungubwe's Secrets: Balancing Discovery & Preservation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son brand fel oor die Mapungubwe Ruïnes waar Reinhardt en Annelie aan hul navorsing begin.En: The sun beats down fiercely over the Mapungubwe Ruïnes where Reinhardt and Annelie begin their research.Af: Die ruïnes lê verstrooi onder die skroeiende somerson.En: The ruins lie scattered under the scorching summer sun.Af: Klippe vorm ou strukture, en gebreekte artefakte lê tussen hulle.En: Stones form ancient structures, and broken artifacts lie among them.Af: Dit is ‘n plek vol geheimenisse en geskiedenis, gehul in 'n aura van tydloosheid en mystiek.En: It is a place full of mysteries and history, enveloped in an aura of timelessness and mystique.Af: Reinhardt is opgewonde.En: Reinhardt is excited.Af: Hy het 'n teorie, een wat dalk bewys kan word.En: He has a theory, one that might be proven.Af: Hy droom groot oor ‘n verlore beskawing wat lank voor die bekende geskiedenis bestaan het.En: He dreams big about a lost civilization that existed long before known history.Af: Sy oë blink met ambisie.En: His eyes shine with ambition.Af: Annelie is meer bedagsaam.En: Annelie is more thoughtful.Af: Sy besorg oor die behoud van die terrein.En: She is concerned about the preservation of the site.Af: Sy weet dat elke verkeerde beweging die waardevolle geskiedenis permanent kan beskadig.En: She knows that every wrong move can permanently damage the valuable history.Af: “Reinhardt,” waarsku sy, “ons moet versigtig wees.En: “Reinhardt,” she warns, “we need to be careful.Af: Die hitte maak alles bros en broos.”En: The heat makes everything brittle and fragile.”Af: Hy knik, maar sy gedagtes is elders.En: He nods, but his thoughts are elsewhere.Af: Elke klip voel soos ‘n leidraad wat nader bring aan sy groot ontdekking.En: Every stone feels like a clue that brings him closer to his great discovery.Af: Met sy houe teen die grond, begin hy delf, die fyn stof oplig in die dun lug, botsend teen die hitte wat van die aarde af opstyg.En: With his strokes against the ground, he begins to dig, the fine dust rising in the thin air, clashing with the heat radiating from the earth.Af: Die dae is lank en genadeloos warm.En: The days are long and relentlessly hot.Af: Reinhardt se rug is nat van die sweet.En: Reinhardt's back is wet with sweat.Af: Maar hy bly delf, vasbeslote.En: But he keeps digging, determined.Af: Aan die einde van een ondraaglike dag, gebeur iets merkwaardigs.En: At the end of one unbearable day, something remarkable happens.Af: Onder ‘n groot klip ontdek hy ‘n vreemde voorwerp.En: Beneath a large stone, he discovers a strange object.Af: Dit is pragtig gesny en anders as enigiets wat hulle voorheen gesien het.En: It is beautifully carved and unlike anything they have seen before.Af: Sy hart klop wild.En: His heart races.Af: Dit kan die bewys wees waaroor hy gedroom het.En: This could be the proof he has dreamed of.Af: Maar dit lê diep in die grond vasgevang.En: But it's trapped deep in the ground.Af: As hy dit uitkrap, kan hy onherstelbare skade aanrig.En: If he digs it out, he could cause irreparable damage.Af: Hier aan die grens van sy hoop en sy vrees, dink Reinhardt aan Annelie se...

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