Love in Lift: An Unplanned Rooftop Romance in Johannesburg

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love in Lift: An Unplanned Rooftop Romance in Johannesburg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig agter die wolkekrabbers van Johannesburg.En: The sun was slowly setting behind the skyscrapers of Johannesburg.Af: Pieter het 'n spesiale plan vir die aand.En: Pieter had a special plan for the evening.Af: Hy wil Anja beïndruk met 'n pragtige piekniek op die dak van 'n luukse wolkekrabber.En: He wanted to impress Anja with a beautiful picnic on the rooftop of a luxurious skyscraper.Af: Al die voorbereidings is getref.En: All the preparations had been made.Af: Pieter het elke detail beplan, van die kos tot die dekens.En: Pieter had planned every detail, from the food to the blankets.Af: Hulle staan in die foyer van die gebou.En: They stood in the building's foyer.Af: Anja, met haar lewendige glimlag, dra die pikniekmandjie.En: Anja, with her lively smile, carried the picnic basket.Af: Pieter, effens gespanne, druk die liftknoppie.En: Pieter, slightly nervous, pressed the elevator button.Af: Die liftdeure glip oop en hulle stap in.En: The elevator doors slid open, and they stepped in.Af: “Ek hoop jy gaan hiervan hou,” sê Pieter versigtig, kyk na Anja.En: “I hope you’re going to like this,” said Pieter cautiously, looking at Anja.Af: “Ek weet ek sal,” antwoord Anja, haar oë glinsterend van entoesiasme.En: “I know I will,” replied Anja, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.Af: Die lift begin na bo beweeg.En: The elevator began to ascend.Af: Maar skielik, met 'n skerp ruk, stop dit.En: But suddenly, with a sharp jolt, it stopped.Af: Die ligte flikker.En: The lights flickered.Af: “Wat gebeur nou?” vra Pieter, paniekerig.En: “What’s happening now?” Pieter asked, panicked.Af: “Lyk soos 'n tegniese probleem,” sê Anja, kalm soos altyd.En: “Looks like a technical problem,” said Anja, calm as always.Af: “Kom ons wag en kyk.”En: “Let’s wait and see.”Af: Pieter se hart klop vinnig.En: Pieter's heart was racing.Af: Sy perfekte plan val uitmekaar.En: His perfect plan was falling apart.Af: Hy haal diep asem en probeer die noodknoppie, maar daar is geen reaksie nie.En: He took a deep breath and tried the emergency button, but there was no response.Af: “Dit gaan regkom, Pieter.”En: “It’s going to be alright, Pieter.”Af: Anja sit langs hom op die vloer en haak die pikniekmandjie oop.En: Anja sat next to him on the floor and opened the picnic basket.Af: “Ons kan steeds 'n lekker tyd hê.”En: “We can still have a nice time.”Af: Pieter kyk na haar.En: Pieter looked at her.Af: In die dowwe lig van die lift, lyk haar gesig nog mooier.En: In the dim light of the elevator, her face looked even more beautiful.Af: Hy draai sy gesig weg, effens skaam.En: He turned his face away, slightly shy.Af: “Trek asseblief die dekens uit,” sê Anja.En: “Please pull out the blankets,” said Anja.Af: “Kom ons maak hierdie plek gesellig.”En: “Let’s make this place cozy.”Af: Pieter glimlag senuweeagtig, maar volg haar raad.En: Pieter smiled nervously but followed her advice.Af: Hulle sit die dekens uit, pak die kos uit, en begin eet.En: They spread out the blankets, unpacked the food, and started...

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