Love Blossoms: Karel's Valentine's Day Journey in the Free State
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love Blossoms: Karel's Valentine's Day Journey in the Free State Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die hitte van die somer het die land van Karel se familie, omring deur sonskyn, gesing soos die geluid van krekels deur die lug gedraai het.En: In the heat of the summer, the land of Karel's family, surrounded by sunshine, sang as the sound of crickets carried through the air.Af: Hy was op pad dorp toe, sy bakkie vol hoop en 'n bietjie vrees.En: He was on his way to town, his pickup full of hope and a bit of fear.Af: Daar was iets spesiaals aan hierdie dag – Valentynsdag.En: There was something special about this day – Valentine's Day.Af: Die plaas, sy trots en erfgenaam, was 'n plek van rus en werk.En: The farm, his pride and heritage, was a place of rest and work.Af: Die koring het hoog gestaan, en die vee het in die schaduw van ou bome gesels geraas.En: The wheat stood tall, and the livestock made conversational noises in the shade of old trees.Af: Hierdie grond was soos asem vir Karel, maar vandag het sy gedagtes gedwaal na 'n nuwe asem – Elize, die vrou wie se glimlag so veel meer warmte as die middagson gebring het.En: This ground was like breath to Karel, but today his thoughts wandered to a new breath – Elize, the woman whose smile brought so much more warmth than the midday sun.Af: Karel het die klein dorpie van die plaas betree, die stof van die pad agter hom gelos.En: Karel entered the small town from the farm, leaving the dust of the road behind him.Af: Die winkel van Elize was besig, soos altyd.En: Elize's store was busy, as always.Af: Die rakke was vol dinge wat die boere van die omgewing nodig gehad het: werktuie, saad, en daardie spesiale Valentynsdag-lekkernye.En: The shelves were full of things that the farmers needed: tools, seed, and those special Valentine's Day treats.Af: Haar winkel het gevoel soos 'n tweede huis, bekend en gerusstellend.En: Her store felt like a second home, familiar and comforting.Af: Hy het die groot houtdeur oopgemaak en ingestap, sy hart teen sy ribbes kloppend asof dit nóg 'n bakkie se enjin was wat teen 'n berg opdraf.En: He opened the large wooden door and stepped inside, his heart pounding against his ribs as if it were another pickup's engine climbing a hill.Af: "Middag, Karel," het Elize met 'n vriendelike stem gesê, haar oë soos sterre wat sy donkerste nag verlig het.En: "Afternoon, Karel," Elize said with a friendly voice, her eyes like stars lighting up his darkest night.Af: Hy het geglimlag, 'n bietjie onhandig, en sy handelslys aan haar oorhandig.En: He smiled, a bit awkwardly, and handed her his shopping list.Af: Terwyl hy langs die rakke beweeg het, het iets binne sy sak geskyn – die blomme en die boksie lekkers wat eenvoudig gesê het wat sy mond nie kon nie.En: As he moved along the shelves, something in his pocket shone – the flowers and the box of sweets that simply said what his mouth could not.Af: Sy kop was vol van stres, maar hy het homself herinner aan die rede waarom hy hulle gekoop het.En: His head was full of stress, but he reminded himself of the reason he bought them.Af: Dit was nou of nooit.En: It was now or never.Af: Toe die kassier sy inkopies optel, het hy diep asemgehaal en die blomme oor die toonbank gesteek.En: When the cashier picked up his groceries, he took a deep breath and handed the flowers over the counter.Af: "Elize," het hy begin, sy stem effens...