Love Blossoms: A Spring Picnic's Unexpected Turn
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love Blossoms: A Spring Picnic's Unexpected Turn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Onder die helder son van 'n Kaapse lente, het Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin gesing met kleure.En: Under the bright sun of a Kaapse spring, Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin sang with colors.Af: Jaco en Anja het 'n kombers op die sagte gras uitgesprei, omring deur die geure van vars blomme.En: Jaco and Anja spread a blanket on the soft grass, surrounded by the scents of fresh flowers.Af: Die lug was soet en gevul met die lied van voëls wat in die bome gesing het.En: The air was sweet and filled with the song of birds singing in the trees.Af: Jaco se hande was effens bewerig toe hy die mandjie met kos oopmaak.En: Jaco's hands were slightly shaky as he opened the basket of food.Af: Dit was sy kans om 'n eerste indruk te maak.En: This was his chance to make a first impression.Af: Hy het probeer om kalm te bly, al het sy maag gevul met skoenlappers.En: He tried to stay calm, even though his stomach was filled with butterflies.Af: Anja, met haar sprankelende oë, het sy hart vinniger laat klop.En: Anja, with her sparkling eyes, made his heart beat faster.Af: "Hoe gereeld kom jy hierheen?En: "How often do you come here?"Af: " vra Anja terwyl sy 'n bottel ystee uithaal.En: Anja asked as she pulled out a bottle of iced tea.Af: "Baie gereeld," lieg Jaco skaars hoorbaar.En: "Very often," Jaco barely lied audibly.Af: Hy wou nie snaaks klink nie, al was Kirstenbosch nie sy gewone plek nie.En: He didn't want to sound funny, even though Kirstenbosch wasn't his usual place.Af: Hy wou net hê die dag moes perfek wees.En: He just wanted the day to be perfect.Af: Skielik, terwyl hulle sit en lag oor 'n storie, vlieg 'n bye deur die blomme en steek Jaco op die arm.En: Suddenly, while they were sitting and laughing about a story, a bee flew through the flowers and stung Jaco on the arm.Af: Daar was 'n oomblik van stilte voordat hy die skerp pyn gevoel het.En: There was a moment of silence before he felt the sharp pain.Af: Hy het ongemerk probeer bly, maar 'n warm gloed het vinnig oor sy vel versprei.En: He tried to remain unnoticed, but a warm glow quickly spread across his skin.Af: "Is jy reg?En: "Are you okay?"Af: " vra Anja, haar stem vol bekommernis.En: Anja asked, her voice full of concern.Af: Sy het die klein rooi merk op sy arm gesien.En: She had seen the small red mark on his arm.Af: "Dis niks," sê Jaco vinnig, 'n bietjie te hard.En: "It's nothing," Jaco said quickly, a bit too loudly.Af: Hy kon die druk voel om nie 'n toneel te maak nie.En: He could feel the pressure not to make a scene.Af: Maar die jeuk het erger geword en hy kon die suur smaak van paniek in sy keel proe.En: But the itch got worse, and he could taste the sour tang of panic in his throat.Af: "Jaco, jy lyk nie goed nie," sê Anja ferm.En: "Jaco, you don't look well," Anja said firmly.Af: Die rooi uitslag het oor sy nek begin beweeg.En: The red rash had started to spread across his neck.Af: Jaco het gevoel hoe sy kop begin draai.En: Jaco felt his head begin to spin.Af: Hierdie is nie goed nie.En: This was not good.Af: "'n Allergiese reaksie," fluister hy, uiteindelik sy trots prysgegee.En: "An allergic reaction," he whispered, finally...