Lize's Secret Garden: A Tale of Discovery and Community
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Lize's Secret Garden: A Tale of Discovery and Community Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son stralend oor Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin, die geurige blomme baljaar in die warm somerwind.En: The sun shone brightly over the Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin, the fragrant flowers frolicking in the warm summer breeze.Af: Die studente van Hoërskool Sonskyndal stap opgewonde tussen die welige plantegroei, elkeen met 'n geheim missietjie.En: The students from Hoërskool Sonskyndal walked excitedly among the lush greenery, each with a secret mission.Af: Onder hulle is Lize, lank reeds vasgevang in haar passie vir plantkunde, haar oë skitterend van nuuskierigheid.En: Among them was Lize, long captured by her passion for botany, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.Af: Lize hou 'n kort ent weg van Pieter en Jana.En: Lize kept a short distance from Pieter and Jana.Af: Pieter, haar vriend, hou meer van avonture as die subtiele wonder van blomme, en Jana, altyd kompetisie gedrewen, kyk neer op alles as 'n kans om op te trek.En: Pieter, her friend, preferred adventures over the subtle wonder of flowers, and Jana, always driven by competition, looked down on everything as a chance to outdo.Af: Vandag, in die pragtige omgewing van Kirstenbosch, het Lize 'n doel – sy wil die perfekte plant of blom vind, iets wat haar projek uniek sal maak.En: Today, in the beautiful setting of Kirstenbosch, Lize had a goal—she wanted to find the perfect plant or flower, something that would make her project unique.Af: Die groep volg 'n goed begaanbare pad, maar tyd is kort.En: The group followed a well-trodden path, but time was short.Af: Lize voel 'n druk om iets spesiaals te vind voordat die uitstappie eindig.En: Lize felt pressure to find something special before the outing ended.Af: Jana bly haar herinner aan die tyd, met skerp kyke en slymerige kommentaar.En: Jana kept reminding her of the time, with sharp looks and slick comments.Af: "Ek hoop jy gaan iets vind wat nie net 'n gewone varing is nie," sê Jana met 'n selfvoldane glimlag.En: "I hope you find something that's not just an ordinary fern," Jana said with a smug smile.Af: Toe niemand kyk nie, besluit Lize impulsief om van die pad af te dwaal, 'n reël wat verbied was deur hul onderwyser.En: When no one was looking, Lize impulsively decided to stray from the path, a rule that their teacher had forbidden.Af: Haar hart klop vinnig van opwinding en 'n bietjie skuldgevoel, maar die nuuskierigheid dring haar aan.En: Her heart raced with excitement and a bit of guilt, but curiosity pushed her on.Af: Sy beweeg deur 'n minder bewandelde pad, waar die groenigheid digger is en die blomme welriekend.En: She moved through a less traveled path, where the greenery was denser and the flowers more fragrant.Af: Skielik stop sy, haar asem ingehou.En: Suddenly she stopped, holding her breath.Af: Voor haar staan 'n seldsame, veelkleurige blom met 'n glans sy nog nooit gesien het nie.En: In front of her stood a rare, multicolored flower with a sheen she had never seen before.Af: Dit is pragtig, sag en vol van ongelooflike kleur.En: It was beautiful, soft, and full of incredible color.Af: Lize voel 'n oorweldigende vreugde en strate van trots, maar dan kom die gedagte – moet sy dit deel?En: Lize felt an overwhelming joy and streaks of pride, but then came the thought—should she share it?Af: Sy keer terug na die...