Lions & Life Lessons: A Young Adventurer's Awakening
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Lions & Life Lessons: A Young Adventurer's Awakening Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het flikkerend oor die horison gesak en 'n goue gloed oor die Krugerwildtuin gegooi.En: The sun sank flickering over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Krugerwildtuin (Kruger National Park).Af: Pieter het deur die venster van die motor gekyk terwyl hulle deur die roete ry.En: Pieter looked out the car window as they drove along the route.Af: Sy gedagtes was ver weg, verlore in drome van avontuur.En: His thoughts were far away, lost in dreams of adventure.Af: Dis somervakansie, en die bos was lewendig met diere en die geruis van insekte.En: It's summer vacation, and the bush was alive with animals and the buzz of insects.Af: Jaco, sy pa, het gesels en probeer om Pieter se aandag te trek.En: Jaco, his father, chatted and tried to capture Pieter's attention.Af: Maar Pieter het net geknik, sy oë na die verte.En: But Pieter just nodded, his eyes on the distance.Af: Hy het 'n diep verlange na onafhanklikheid gevoel.En: He felt a deep longing for independence.Af: Hy wou die wêreld alleen verken, veral die groot park vol wilde diere.En: He wanted to explore the world alone, especially the great park full of wild animals.Af: Admirerend het Annelie na haar broer opgekyk.En: Admiringly, Annelie looked up at her brother.Af: Sy het elke beweging wat hy maak, gevolg.En: She followed his every move.Af: "Pieter, sal jy my later leeus wys?" vra sy met groot oë.En: "Pieter, will you show me lions later?" she asked with wide eyes.Af: Die gedagte het hom laat glimlag, maar hy het geweet sy ouers sou nooit toelaat dat hy alleen rondloop nie.En: The thought made him smile, but he knew his parents would never allow him to wander alone.Af: Daardie aand, terwyl Jaco 'n paar steaks braai, het hy probeer om met Pieter te praat.En: That evening, while Jaco was braaing (barbecuing) some steaks, he tried to talk to Pieter.Af: "Jy weet, seun, die bos is gevaarlik," het hy gesê, sy stem ernstig.En: "You know, son, the bush is dangerous," he said, his voice serious.Af: "Ons moet bymekaar bly."En: "We need to stay together."Af: Pieter het net gestaan en knik.En: Pieter just stood and nodded.Af: Tog, in sy binneste, het 'n plan begin vorm.En: Yet, inside, a plan began to form.Af: Voor die son die volgende oggend opkom, toe die res van die gesin se slaap nog diep was, het hy besluit om uit die tent te sluip.En: Before the sun rose the next morning, while the rest of the family was still deep in sleep, he decided to sneak out of the tent.Af: Die lug was koel en die sterre helder.En: The air was cool, and the stars were bright.Af: 'n Onbekende vuur brand in sy bors; hy was op pad na die avontuur wat hy so begeer het.En: An unfamiliar fire burned in his chest; he was on his way to the adventure he so desired.Af: Die pad was smal en tegnies bedek met sand en klippe, maar Pieter het aangehou.En: The path was narrow and technically covered with sand and stones, but Pieter pressed on.Af: Sy hart het in sy bors geklop van opwinding en 'n bietjie vrees.En: His heart pounded with excitement and a bit of fear.Af: Skielik, om die draai van 'n bos, het hy gestop.En: Suddenly, around the turn of a bush, he stopped.Af: Voor hom, in die sagte oggendlig, was 'n trop...