How a Cape Town Café Became the Heart of Its Community
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: How a Cape Town Café Became the Heart of Its Community Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het helder geskyn oor die kleurvolle huise van Bo-Kaap.En: The sun shone brightly over the colorful houses of Bo-Kaap.Af: Jan en Annelie het somerlope in hul voete gehad.En: Jan and Annelie had a spring in their step.Af: Hulle werk al twee jaar saam by ’n klein kafee, genaamd "Die Blou Huis."En: They had been working together for two years at a small café named "The Blue House."Af: Elke oggend het Annelie die geur van vars koffie welkom geheet.En: Every morning, Annelie welcomed the aroma of fresh coffee.Af: Sy het die bevoegdigheid om die perfekte Cappuccino te maak.En: She had the skill to make the perfect cappuccino.Af: Jan, aan die ander kant, was bekend vir sy heerlike muffins.En: Jan, on the other hand, was known for his delicious muffins.Af: Klante het altyd teruggekom vir meer.En: Customers always came back for more.Af: Een oggend, terwyl hulle die tafels gedek het, het Jan vir Annelie gesê, "Ons moet iets nuuts probeer om meer mense te lok."En: One morning, while they were setting the tables, Jan said to Annelie, "We need to try something new to attract more people."Af: "Wat dink jy?" vra Annelie nuuskierig.En: "What do you think?" asked Annelie curiously.Af: "Miskien ’n spesiale tema-aand," stel Jan voor. "Ons kan ’n Kaapse kos-aand hou."En: "Maybe a special theme night," suggested Jan. "We could have a Cape Malay food night."Af: "Dit klink na ’n wonderlike idee!" stem Annelie in.En: "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" agreed Annelie.Af: Hulle begin dadelik beplan.En: They began planning immediately.Af: Die kafee raak besig soos nooit tevore.En: The café became busier than ever.Af: Die reuk van bobotie en melktert hang in die lug.En: The smell of bobotie and milk tart hung in the air.Af: Mense van regoor Kaapstad het opgedaag.En: People from all over Cape Town showed up.Af: Jan het die tafels gedek met tradisionele lappe en Annelie het die musiek gekies.En: Jan set the tables with traditional cloths, and Annelie chose the music.Af: "Ná vanmiddag moet ons nog so ’n geleentheid hê," sê Jan.En: "After tonight, we should have more events like this," said Jan.Af: Annelie knik instemmend.En: Annelie nodded in agreement.Af: Soos die aand vorder, het die klante gelag en saam geëet.En: As the evening progressed, the customers laughed and ate together.Af: Dit was ’n geslaagde aand.En: It was a successful night.Af: Maar toe gebeur iets onverwags.En: But then, something unexpected happened.Af: Die ligte in die kafee flikker en gaan af.En: The lights in the café flickered and went out.Af: ’n Ooglopende stroomonderbreking.En: An evident power outage.Af: "Wat nou?" kreun Jan.En: "What now?" groaned Jan.Af: "Wees kalm," sê Annelie.En: "Stay calm," said Annelie.Af: "Ons het kerse."En: "We have candles."Af: Met die sagte lig van die kerse het die atmosfeer nog meer spesiaal gevoel.En: With the soft light of the candles, the atmosphere felt even more special.Af: Mense het dit geniet.En: People enjoyed it.Af: Hulle het gesing en stories vertel.En: They sang and told stories.Af: Dit was...