Gideon's Storm: A Tale of Brave Youth and Family Wisdom
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Gideon's Storm: A Tale of Brave Youth and Family Wisdom Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die winterwinde het gehuil deur die bome soos 'n woeste dier.En: The winter winds howled through the trees like a wild beast.Af: Sneeu het begin val, wit en dik.En: Snow began to fall, white and thick.Af: In 'n klein dorp êrens in Suid-Afrika, het 'n seun genaamd Gideon met groot oë na die storm gekyk.En: In a small town somewhere in South Africa, a boy named Gideon watched the storm with wide eyes.Af: Dit was Jeugdag, maar niemand het buite gespeel nie.En: It was Youth Day, but no one was playing outside.Af: Die koue was te fel, en die storm was te gevaarlik.En: The cold was too harsh, and the storm too dangerous.Af: Gideon was twaalf jaar oud, met 'n hart vol avonture.En: Gideon was twelve years old, with a heart full of adventures.Af: Hy het dagdrome gehad van heldedade, hoe hy sy gesin sou red van gevaar.En: He had daydreams of heroic deeds, imagining how he would save his family from danger.Af: Maar sy ouer broers het altyd meer dapper en kundig voorgekom.En: But his older brothers always seemed braver and more knowledgeable.Af: Dit het hom ongemaklik laat voel, asof hy nooit goed genoeg kon wees nie.En: This made him feel uncomfortable, as if he could never be good enough.Af: In die agterplaas van hul huis, onder 'n ou eikeboom, was daar 'n geheime bunker.En: In the backyard of their house, under an old oak tree, there was a secret bunker.Af: Dit was 'n klein skuilplek wat sy ouers jare gelede gebou het.En: It was a small hideout that his parents had built years ago.Af: Dit was knus en vol met interessante kleinighede en voorraad.En: It was cozy, filled with interesting trinkets and supplies.Af: Gideon het altyd gewonder oor hierdie plek, maar sy ouers het gesê dit is net vir noodgevalle.En: Gideon always wondered about this place, but his parents said it was only for emergencies.Af: Toe die storm net erger geword het, het Gideon 'n plan gemaak.En: When the storm worsened, Gideon made a plan.Af: Hy wou sy moed bewys.En: He wanted to prove his courage.Af: Hy sou na die bunker gaan, ten spyte van sy ouers se waarskuwings.En: He would go to the bunker, despite his parents' warnings.Af: Hy het stadig sy baadjie aangetrek, sy mus opgezet, en toe, op sy tone gesluip.En: He slowly put on his jacket, donned his hat, and then tiptoed out.Af: Met 'n laaste blik na sy familiekamer, het hy die agterdeur oopgemaak en in die storm gestap.En: With one last glance at his family's room, he opened the back door and stepped into the storm.Af: Die sneeu het hom amper onmiddellik bedek.En: The snow almost immediately covered him.Af: Maar sy hart het sterk gebons, en hy het met vasberadenheid na die bunker gegaan.En: But his heart pounded strongly, and he headed to the bunker with determination.Af: Hy het die geheime deur gevind en het homself vinnig binne gesкуil.En: He found the secret door and quickly slipped inside.Af: Binne was dit donker, maar warm.En: It was dark but warm inside.Af: Daar was 'n klein lampie wat hy aangepreek het en die bunker het in 'n goue gloed opgeleef.En: There was a small lamp which he turned on, and the bunker lit up with a golden glow.Af: Gideon het ‘n gevoel van prestasie...