Frosty Bonds and Winter Triumphs: A Farmhouse Team's Journey
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Frosty Bonds and Winter Triumphs: A Farmhouse Team's Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Op die plaas, onder 'n dun lagie ryp en 'n koue winterlug, was daar drie kinders met 'n groot taak voor hulle.En: On the farm, under a thin layer of frost and a cold winter air, there were three children with a big task ahead of them.Af: Pieter, Mariska en Jaco moes 'n einde-van-termyn projek voltooi.En: Pieter, Mariska, and Jaco had to complete an end-of-term project.Af: Die projek was belangrik.En: The project was important.Af: Pieter wou sy maats en die onderwyser beïndruk.En: Pieter wanted to impress his friends and the teacher.Af: Hy was hardwerkend, maar onseker.En: He was hardworking but unsure of himself.Af: Mariska was die leier, maar sy het gesukkel met familieprobleme.En: Mariska was the leader, but she struggled with family problems.Af: Jaco was die grapjas, maar hy was bang vir mislukking.En: Jaco was the joker, but he was afraid of failure.Af: Die plaas was groot.En: The farm was large.Af: Velde met ryp, skure vol hooi en 'n gesellige plaashuis.En: Fields with frost, barns full of hay, and a cozy farmhouse.Af: Dit was waar die kinders hul werk beplan het.En: This was where the children planned their work.Af: Maar dit was bitter koud.En: But it was bitterly cold.Af: Die ysige wind het die werk moeilik gemaak.En: The icy wind made the work difficult.Af: Pieter het besluit om die leier te wees.En: Pieter decided to be the leader.Af: Hy het werk opgedra aan elkeen.En: He assigned tasks to each of them.Af: Mariska moes die informasie versamel oor die plaasdiere.En: Mariska had to gather information about the farm animals.Af: Jaco moes die tabelle maak oor die temperature en die impak op die oes.En: Jaco had to make tables about the temperatures and their impact on the crops.Af: Pieter sou alles bymekaar bring en die finale verslag skryf.En: Pieter would compile everything and write the final report.Af: Mariska was afwesig en hartseer.En: Mariska was absent and sad.Af: Sy het nie gesê wat fout was nie.En: She didn't say what was wrong.Af: Jaco het steeds 'n grap gemaak oor alles.En: Jaco still made jokes about everything.Af: Hy het nie ernstig gewerk nie.En: He didn't work seriously.Af: "Mariska, wat pla jou?" het Pieter een aand gevra.En: "Mariska, what's bothering you?" Pieter asked one evening.Af: Hulle was in die plaashuis, by die kaggel.En: They were in the farmhouse, by the fireplace.Af: "Dis my pa en ma," het sy gesê.En: "It's my mom and dad," she said.Af: "Hulle baklei baie. Ek kan nie fokus nie."En: "They fight a lot. I can't focus."Af: "Jaco, jy moet ophou grappe maak," het Pieter ernstig gesê.En: "Jaco, you need to stop making jokes," Pieter said seriously.Af: "Ons het jou hulp nodig."En: "We need your help."Af: Jaco het gelag, maar daar was trane in sy oë.En: Jaco laughed, but there were tears in his eyes.Af: "Ek is bang ek gaan julle teleurstel."En: "I'm afraid I'm going to let you down."Af: Die volgende dag het dinge opgevlam.En: The next day, things escalated.Af: Mariska het 'n fout gemaak in haar navorsing.En: Mariska made a...